An artistic chaos
Life and life supporting elements are the supreme art of the Greatest Artist of all times. He is the perfect artist whose art seeks self realization to know its worth and value. Every nation grafted hope in actions to make the reality bearable and joyful but only the great nations value art and artists to keep the legacy of life alive.
From the various centres of art and craft Kashmir makes itself more charming by adding the uncommon flavours of art on its bosom. Kashmiris were once infants in the world of art and craft but the outer beauty of the valley helped them to ponder inside and by interiorisation they have driven an exceptional and outstanding beauty which matches with the outer beauty that we cherish in the form of art and craft.
For hundreds of years Kashmiris did not just become good apprentices but to excel as the artists they dwelled deep in the world of art and turned into artists of great stature and value. The thing which helped them in the process of becoming artists was their aesthetic sense and artistic understanding. They did not just imitate but refine the designs with their personal artistic touch which helped them to survive as artists. They had compassionately followed their passion which resulted in something unbelievable yet a real masterpiece. Whenever I think about the creation of the masterpiece I shut the shuttles of my eyes and visualize:
“Artist in the bleak cell where light ignites from the four chambers of the heart struggling to tear the veil of fear with gentle care as the hand of artistic heart is near to generate the freedom for the thought which wants liberation and eternal life. The thought was once a bleak spot but now a marvel which handled the pressure like coal and transformed itself into a diamond. Artist waters the thought and gives birth to the masterpiece which is more precious than his own life.”
Observation is a part of worship as it helps us think critically and act rationally. In the artistic valley now a handful of artists are surviving who are unwilling to surrender to the materialistic gains. They are true to the souls and loyal to their hearts who are watering their artistic gardens where everlasting blossoms bear the perpetual yield for the generations to come who truly want to know about the aesthetic gardens. Imitators must know that the ignorant strokes with the brush are blocking the way of their growth and bolting them in the unending chaos where misery would be served to the unsatisfied conscience who never finds a way to know itself. In the context of imitators Oscar Wilde has beautifully said:
“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”