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What goes into making an exceptional teacher?

12:00 AM Jun 06, 2024 IST | Dr Mushtaq Rather

The role of teacher nowadays is no more confined to facilitating the transmission of black and white information within the four walls of a classroom. In fact he has a multifaceted role keeping in mind the challenges thrown up by the 21st century.

The teacher has a central role in shaping the future of the child and the smooth progression and transition of the child towards actualization of his innate potential and is largely attributed to the efforts laid down by the teachers.


To prepare the modern day learner to effectively embrace the challenges of 21st century, it is the core responsibility of the 21st century teacher to create a sort of conducive learning atmosphere which in the long run can materialize the acquisition of 21st skills in modern day learner: be it critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication. It is imperative on the part of the teacher to update and fine polish his pedagogical skills to render his students viable and competitive as per need and demand of 21st century.

Essential Ingredients of a good teacher: In the current scheme of global compulsions, a teacher has the most arduous job to ensure his learners get grossly engaged in learning activities designed and executed by the teacher. In the meaningful classroom teaching –learning transaction, the teacher must have well thought out strategy to arouse interest and ‘readiness to learn’ among learners.


Once the learner is motivated to learn, the job of the teacher becomes easier to disseminate the requisite knowledge with reasonable expectation of attainment of desired learning outcomes. What goes into the making of an exceptional teacher ? What are the hallmarks of a great teacher?

The prerequisite ingredients of a good teacher are:
