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Prerequisites For Building Constructions

Nowadays building construction works have assumed more importance given the seismological challenges, fire and wind hazards, and the eco-standards
11:37 PM Dec 27, 2024 IST | MOHAMMAD JALAL-UD-DIN
prerequisites for building constructions
Representational image

Building constructions are a sine qua non in public, private and public-private partnership entities to start new or augment existing works with focus on design and activity requisites. Nowadays building construction works have assumed much importance to withstand the seismological challenges, fire and wind hazards, maintain attractive frontal appearance and conform to the standards of eco-friendly environment besides involving huge capital expenditure. Many a time buildings have collapsed or projects abandoned amid construction stages due to non-completion or deficient completion of formalities with the result  huge effort and expenditure gone infructuous. To safeguard against any eventuality human mind can perceive lest project should go waste hereunder are some tips capable of proving fruitful while executing new building construction works:-

a).        Land to be built upon should be free from all encumbrances whatsoever prescribed for its purchase  by the law/rules in vogue. A soil test to be conducted through the experts  to know the load bearing strength of the soil for the intended construction,

b).        A list of requirements worked out and examined by a higher competent authority to approve of its genuineness followed by an accord of formal administrative approval,


c).        A lay out prepared from an architect who focuses more on the aesthetic aspect and design of the building,


d).        Technically detailed estimates framed from an engineer who focuses more on the technical & structural side giving therein the estimated cost of the work.


e).        The works are put to tenders showing the estimated cost, details of different & various components of work, date/period of completion of a work to attract better expertise and economical rates. Tenders are mainly of three types, viz, 1) Open Tendering in which bids are solicited from all interested contractors, 2)Selective Tendering in which bids are sought from a selected group of interested  contractors , and 3) Negotiated Tendering under which amount is negotiated with a preselected contractor. In the first instance technical bids are sought which show the bidder’s expertise, conformity to requirements, quality standing, methodology, and capability to execute the work.  Technical bids are to be opened first and only those contractors who fulfil the technical terms & conditions  will be eligible  for participating in the financial bids. Financial bids give the financial viability and competitiveness of the competing firm. In terms of importance a two tier procedure should be adopted in evaluating a proposal. 70 percent weightage should be given to the technical bid and 30 percent weightage to the financial bid. The selection should be done adopting Quality Cum Cost Based Selection Process.


f).         There should be at least three competing contractors. In case it is less, works are to be re-tendered,


g).        However, single bids received after re-tendering can be accepted after obtaining the approval of the competent authority. When bids are called on Single Bid basis the technical and commercial/financial bids shall be submitted in the same bid. Bidders are required to submit complete documents pertaining to prequalification criteria. Non-submission of the pre-qualification criteria  will make the bid liable to be rejected,

h).        Lowest competitive rates conforming fully to the quality and specifications of  items of work are to be accepted for selection of a bidder.

i).         If the lowest competitive rates are unreasonable, office has a right and requirement to negotiate the rates in the best interests of the office and also certify the rates as genuine with due regard to the golden rule,

j).         The contractor who offers reasonable rates is selected for allotment of work,

k).        To ward off any eventuality including cost overrun and time overrun situations save force majeure an agreement is entered between the contractor and the office where later is required to prioritise its interests  before signing the agreement. Mode and time of payment is also decided. The agreements are to be unambiguous in all manner and enforceable at law in the legal jurisdiction of the intending department,

l).         Work Order mentioning period of completion of work, inter alia, is issued in favour of the agreemented contractor who is to start the work as mentioned in the Work Order,

  1. m) On submission of bills by the contractor, payment is made to the extent of 75 percent only of the total cost of work   In every bill brief nomenclature of the work  is to be mentioned,

n).        First bill is marked as first running account bill. Subsequent bills are numbered accordingly  as second, third, fourth and so on. In case the work is finalised in one bill only it is marked as first & final bill for the said work,

o).        In each succeeding bill total quantity of work done, payments received thereto  in the preceding bill  and advance payments, if any made during the intervening period, are  incorporated to show the net amount payable,

p).        In accordance with the prescribed percentage check for various levels of supervision   the bills are to be checked rate/quantity/number-wise horizontally and vertically  to ensure quantitative/ numerical accuracy to  ward off items of work outside the estimates and include those necessitated as site requirements,

q).        After completing a work  ‘Completion Certificate’ is to be  furnished by the contractor to the effect that work was fully completed as per the tendered specifications and deviations, if  any, were wholly approved  during execution of works or  before submission of final  bills; and

r).        Then the asset is to be  properly hand over by the Contractor/executing  agency and taken over by the office authority  concerned who too has to confirm the satisfactory completion of the work as notified and approved finally.

The above procedure applies mutatis-mutandis in respect of Maintenance Works, Repairing Works, Up-gradation Works, Renovation Works and the Walling Works as well.

Mohammad Jalal-ud-Din, former Sr. Audit Officer and Consultant in the A.G’s Office Srinagar.