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PDP's Arif Laigroo extends Eid greetings

Praying for peace and prosperity, Laigaroo said that festival rededicate ourselves to the path of truthfulness, sincerity, self-control, patience and human dignity.
11:57 PM Jun 16, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE

Srinagar, June 16: PDP State Secretary Arif Laigaroo has greeted the people of the Kashmir in general and the Muslim Ummah in particular on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha.

Praying for peace and prosperity, Laigaroo said that festival rededicate ourselves to the path of truthfulness, sincerity, self-control, patience and human dignity.


Urging the people to celebrate Eid with simplicity, he made a fervent appeal to the people to avoid wastage of food and resources and be conscious towards their neighbours, orphans and the needy so that they also become part of the Eid celebrations.


