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Wishing our readers a happy Eid

Let us raise our hands and pray to the Lord of this universe for making our lives happy and purposeful
11:50 AM Jun 16, 2024 IST | Editorial Desk
wishing our readers a happy eid

If the scale of festivity is anything to go by, Eid is the biggest Muslim festival. But it is not the festivity alone, it is the spirit of the occasion that matters. The religious origin of this festival is the total love for, and complete obedience to God. That is the spirit of this day, and all the things that are obligatory for us in terms of our religious teachings symbolise this grand reality.  Those who focus on the fun and enjoyment part of the of the occasion only, and miss the spirit, miss the essence of the occasion. But those who view it only in terms of the philosophy and purpose, miss something that is only human. People want to be happy, and these occasion provide that chance. So if we cook well, dress good, and have some fun, it is just being human. Beyond this, Eid has a cultural side to it. That is why, besides the core consensus on the rituals of this day, Muslims in different parts of the world have varied ways to celebrate this day. From cuisine to dress, from social interactions to party functions, from holidays to hang outs, this day has diverse  exterior. But beneath this difference, there is that one human element of expressing joy and taking some time off from the dull chore of life. To enjoy time with family, friends, and go and visit relatives. This is a time of bonding with the people around. It's this human element that we need the most in the times of stress and anxiety. We all know the pressures of the modern life. How the routine has become coercive and doesn't allow to breath freely. So this is the time to have some fresh air, and relax for a while.


But it doesn't end here. Human bonding doesn't mean that you are completely unaware of the neighbour who goes foodless. A relative whose kids have no new clothes to wear. An ailing person who has none to sit besides him, and talk.  We have people in a very bad shape. We have families famished, and ruined. We have people whose near ones have left them in the most tragic ways. So while we celebrate this day, that we must, we shouldn't forget that we are a part of larger society. This celebration must travel to others who cannot afford good food, and new clothing. And it is for the more wealthy, and more comfortable, to come to the fore.


Eid is an occasion that bonds us with the people around. It's this human element that we need the most in the times of stress and anxiety, that has come to define the modern day life. So on this day let us see who in our vicinity needs us and fulfil his need. On this day let's spare time for elders in the family and the neighbourhood. Let's see who needs us and offer help to those we can. This is the time to connect to God by way of connecting to his people.  Connecting to mankind means that all good flows from us towards fellow humans. It means we help those who are in need. It means all our transactions with the people are based on trust, on compassion, and on love. It means we cannot even think of doing harm to others. It means we prefer others over ourselves. It means we do everything we can to bring ease to others. It means we are truthful in all our dealings. We are honest to core, and we mean what we say. We are truthful, upright, and virtuous in all the ways we relate to others. Eid is an occasion for this character to be displayed – being close to God and His creatures in a truthful and beneficial manner.


Let us raise our hands and pray to the Lord of this universe for deliverance from all kinds of stress and pain.


To all our readers, wishing a great day of Eid. And also praying for the strengthening of human bonds in our society. Greater Kashmir wishes you a great celebration. Eid Mubarak.


Do we really deserve this celebration!


After a month long fasting, here is the day of Eid. The moment of celebration. But this celebration is not like any other worldly occasion where having fun is the end of it all. Eid symbolises a sanctified joy. We are happy that we spent a month where we nurtured our soul. Ramadhan is the time to get closer to our God. It is the time we clean our souls off all wrong and ugly. We purify ourselves. We come closer to God, and we earn his pleasure. During this month we pray more, we remember God more, we help others more, and we do good deeds with a sense of earning more reward. This is the time we desist from wrongs, and embrace piety. It is a month that instills in us the loft ideal called God-Conciousness, Taqwa as the book of Allah explains it. This God-Conciousness is the fountainhead of goodness, of sublime character, and of humility. It connects us to God, on the one hand. On the other, it connects us to mankind. What does that mean. Connecting to God means that we are conscious of the fact that whatever we do, God knows it all. A day is going to come when we will be rewarded for all our good deeds, and punished for the bad.

