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Where has humanity gone?!

This newfound harsh attitude and practical approaches tripled with a deep desire to dodge whatever doesn’t concern us have us lose our human qualities. Tragic!
01:00 AM Dec 28, 2023 IST | FAIZAAN BASHIR

Time is dragging us to the darker versions of ourselves: come to show kindness, inhumane stances take precedence; to love, hatred wins, and to care, to hell-with-it forges lingering vaporous layers over our neurons. Hospitality is missing; sympathy and empathy have become permanent items in the list of long-forgotten myths. Everything else has vaporized; God’s commandments lay dead in the quietest corners of our drawers. Wise sayings and adages are deadwood now. Lost amidst being on the run, we have murdered our basic, primal caring instincts. Nothing matters now - we have become sick in every possible sense; we have chosen to be this way, and thus we are doomed.

While the attention-grabbing game of competence of great mortals goes on, the unprivileged – the weak, the poor, the infirm – suffer. They suffer from the lack of ears that could heed their plight, of a mouth that could console them, of a sympathetic spirit that could resolve their saga of miseries. Hands on the head, they curse this world. Incidents remain in abundance, tragedies rife – we roll our eyeballs, and they pop up like froths, wanting to live and die at the same time. A paradoxical tragedy to cry seas upon.


We are indeed living in trying times, and they continue to reveal our true selves. The turns that led us to what we are now form more of a nasty “two-pointed tragedy”, each exhibiting our growing tendency to become pensively obsessed with ourselves. I will try to explain:

The first turn: In this phase, we did care to listen to people and provide them with what they needed, but with a sense of this-won’t-go-any-longer. We were on the verge of becoming immersed in acquiring and accumulating wealth, status, and power. The partial slaughtering of our camaraderie and lovable hearts remains the horrendous legacy of this turn.


The second turn: Making a turn to become a full-blown ego-centric pro-competence poor-excluding masses, we finally entered the loop where only me-I-time-and-myself matters. We couldn’t help but slit the throat open – downright slaughtering – of whatever caring remnants we had in the first phase. It’s more like people have their plight – those stretched-out hands and welled-up eyes – to themselves, and we have our business – these ever-busy hands and ever-occupied minds – to ourselves.

These two turns, however, cast a bleak shadow on our humanity. And while I write this, someone is dying – out of a lack of people to talk to, to get help from, and to live with.


There is nothing wrong with competence, self-focus, and mountains-of-wealth-be-my-dream kind of obsessive inclinations; they become problematic only when prioritized over human connections. It’s high time that we made modifications vis-à-vis our priorities – humans outweigh everything else; always remember that, gentleman.

The author aspires to become a civil servant.
