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Wheeling Through Challenges

A Daughter’s Tribute to Her Father’s Unyielding Spirit and Selfless Love
12:00 AM Mar 24, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor

A father is a precious gift from Allah. He holds immense significance in a child’s life, particularly in the unique bond shared between a daughter and her father. Fathers play a crucial role in shaping their daughters’ lives. Personally, my father is a significant figure, serving as the hero of my life. He guides and advises me, moulding me into a better person. I’m deeply grateful to him for his exceptional care and support.

My father, my constant companion and the ultimate role model in my life, serves as a great source of inspiration for me. Through his hard work, he always ensured the best for our family. With a noble profession in teaching, my father is widely known for his sincerity and modesty. However, tragedy struck when he met an accident, disrupting our aspirations and leading us into a challenging period. Despite enduring numerous hardships, my father remains resilient, facing adversities with remarkable patience. Everyone understands that life is a combination of highs and lows, and it confronts us with challenges that can be difficult to overcome. Since my father had an accident, he is bedridden.


My father, now wheelchair bound, encounters numerous challenges, yet he provides for our family with the generosity of a wealthy individual. He has four daughters. Despite societal obstacles, my father confronts adversity with courage, demonstrating resilience. He continues to strive for our well-being and joy. While many friends and family members assist us during tough times, we are deeply grateful for their kindness. My father, despite facing numerous trials, believes he will be rewarded by God. His warm and cheerful demeanour endears him to others, embodying a strong sense of gratitude. He remains optimistic and unwavering in his resolve.

A daughter’s guide to making dad happy


As daughters, we often find ourselves in awe of the remarkable role our fathers play in our lives. From being our first heroes to the pillars of strength during challenging times, fathers hold a special place in our hearts. Their guidance, support, and unwavering love shape us into the women we are today. In this article, we delve into the ways we can honour and support our fathers, making them feel cherished and appreciated.

Expressing Gratitude:

Expressing gratitude is one of the most straightforward methods to bring joy to a father. It’s important to recognize and appreciate both past and present contributions from our fathers. We should acknowledge their sacrifices and express gratitude at every opportunity, ensuring they feel appreciated and valued.

Quality Time Together:

It’s important to dedicate meaningful time to be with our father. When he’s feeling bored or stressed, it’s crucial to provide support and comfort. In making decisions, involving our father ensures he feels supported and not alone, knowing he has a caring and socially adept daughter by his side.

Supporting His Interests:

Show genuine interest in your father’s hobbies and passions. Whether it’s gardening, reading, or sports, take the time to engage with him and show your support. Your enthusiasm for his interests will undoubtedly bring a smile to his face and deepen your bond.

Assisting with Household Chores:

Offering to help with household chores or tasks without being asked is a wonderful way to lighten your father’s load and show your appreciation. Whether it’s cooking a meal, mowing the lawn, or running errands, your willingness to pitch in will not go unnoticed.

Celebrating His Achievements:

Acknowledge and celebrate your father’s accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Whether it’s a work-related milestone or a personal achievement, take the time to recognize his efforts and express your pride in him.

Listening Attentively:

Make a conscious effort to listen to your father’s thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Being a supportive and attentive listener shows him that his words matter and strengthens your bond as father and daughter.

Surprising Him:

Plan surprises for your father to show him how much he means to you. Whether it’s organizing a family gathering or arranging a special outing just for the two of you, these thoughtful gestures will leave a lasting impression and bring joy to his heart.

Respecting His Wisdom:

Respect your father’s wisdom and seek his advice and guidance when needed. His life experiences and knowledge are invaluable, and showing him respect in this way strengthens your relationship and fosters mutual trust.

Taking Care of Yourself:

Seeing you happy and thriving brings immense joy to your father. Take care of yourself both physically and emotionally, and share your successes and joys with him. Your happiness is undoubtedly one of his greatest sources of pride.

Expressing Love:

Never hesitate to express your love for your father. A simple “I love you” spoken from the heart can brighten his day and serve as a reminder of the special bond you share.

Honouring and supporting our fathers is not only a way to show our appreciation but also a means of nurturing the precious relationship we share. Every father-daughter bond is unique, so tailor these suggestions to fit your dynamic with your dad. Remember, the key is to show your love, appreciation, and support consistently, making your father feel like the cherished hero he truly is.

Mir Irtiza is a passionate writer and book reader currently working as a paramedical staff under Mission Vatsalya, Government of J&K.
