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Urinary Dilemmas in the Golden Years Causes, Solutions, and Hope

07:22 AM Aug 12, 2023 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM
urinary dilemmas in the golden years
causes  solutions  and hope

In my practice, I’ve encountered numerous individuals grappling with isolation due to an array of health concerns. Among these challenges lies a noteworthy and potentially reversible issue: urinary problems in the elderly.


It’s disheartening to hear their accounts of social withdrawal and missed opportunities, often attributed to the spectre of urinary frequency and urgency.


These individuals find themselves constrained by an immediate and pressing need to seek relief, making socialising and venturing outside their comfort zones seem like distant dreams.


Today, against this backdrop, we will talk about common Urinary Problems in the Elderly: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment.


1. Urinary Incontinence


Symptoms: Urinary incontinence, a prevalent issue among the elderly, manifests in various forms:


Stress Incontinence: Leakage during activities that exert pressure on the bladder, like coughing, laughing, or lifting.


Urge Incontinence: Sudden and intense urges to urinate, often leading to involuntary leakage.

Overflow Incontinence: Incomplete bladder emptying causes dribbling or continuous leakage.


Pelvic Floor Exercises: Regularly practicing Kegel exercises strengthens pelvic muscles, preventing urine leakage.

Maintain Healthy Weight: Excess weight strains the bladder and pelvic muscles, exacerbating incontinence.

Bladder Habits: Schedule bathroom breaks to avoid holding urine for extended periods, which can weaken bladder muscles.


Behavioral Therapies: Bladder training helps gradually extend the time between urination, improving bladder control.

Medications: Depending on the type of incontinence, your doctor may prescribe medications to relax the bladder or reduce urgency.

Surgical Options: For severe cases, sling procedures or other surgeries can support the bladder and alleviate incontinence.

2. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Symptoms: UTIs pose discomfort and risks, with symptoms including:

Painful Urination: A burning sensation while urinating.

Frequent Urination: An increased need to urinate.

Cloudy or Bloody Urine: Abnormal coloration indicates infection.

Fever and Chills: Systemic symptoms indicate a potentially severe infection.


Adequate Hydration: Drinking sufficient fluids flushes out bacteria from the urinary tract.

Proper Hygiene: Wiping from front to back prevents bacteria from the anal area entering the urethra.

Cranberry Products: Some studies suggest cranberry products might reduce UTI risk.


Antibiotics: Effective against bacterial infections causing UTIs.. Will be recommended by the doctor.

Fluid Intake: Drinking water helps flush bacteria from the urinary tract.

Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers alleviate discomfort during treatment.

3. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Symptoms: BPH predominantly affects older men, leading to urinary symptoms:

Frequent Urination: Needing to urinate often, especially at night.

Weak Urine Stream: Reduced force during urination.

Straining to Urinate: Difficulty starting or completing urination.

Dribbling: Post-urination dribbling.


Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise and a balanced diet promote prostate health.

Fluid Management at Night: Limiting fluids before bedtime decreases nocturnal urination.


Medications: Alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors improve urine flow and alleviate symptoms. Will be prescribed by the doctor.

Minimally Invasive Procedures: Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) and transurethral needle ablation (TUNA) reduce prostate size.

Surgical Options: Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) surgically removes excess tissue for relief.

4. Hyperactive Bladder

Symptoms: Hyperactive bladder leads to frequent, urgent urination, often with incontinence:

Urgency: Intense and sudden urge to urinate.

Frequency: Needing to urinate more often.

Nocturia: Frequent urination during the night.


Bladder Training: Gradually extending time between bathroom visits retrains the bladder.

Fluid Management: Limiting caffeine and alcohol intake reduces bladder irritation.


Lifestyle Modifications: Dietary changes, fluid management, and pelvic floor exercises improve bladder control.

Medications: Anticholinergic drugs relax the bladder and reduce urgency.

Nerve Stimulation: Sacral nerve stimulation modulates bladder activity, enhancing control.

5. Neurogenic Bladder

Symptoms: Neurogenic bladder results from nerve damage, leading to impaired bladder function:

Urinary Retention: Difficulty emptying the bladder completely.

Incontinence: Unpredictable leakage due to loss of bladder control.

Frequent UTIs: Incomplete emptying increases infection risk.


Managing Underlying Conditions: Treating the root cause of nerve damage (e.g., diabetes, spinal cord injury) can prevent neurogenic bladder.

Catheterization: Intermittent or indwelling catheters ensure bladder empties properly.


Catheterization: Indwelling or intermittent catheters help manage urinary retention.

Medications: Muscle relaxants or medications affecting nerve signals can aid in bladder control. Will be prescribed by your doctor.

Surgery: In severe cases, reconstructive surgery might be necessary.

Understanding and addressing common urinary problems among the elderly is essential for maintaining their well-being. Proactive steps such as practising pelvic exercises, maintaining proper hygiene, and seeking medical advice for prompt treatment can greatly improve the quality of life for older adults. Personalised care and interventions tailored to individual needs, along with regular check-ups, ensure that urinary problems are managed effectively.

Adult Diapers: Comfort and Independence

There exists a practical solution that holds the potential to alleviate the distressing impact of these challenges: and that is adult diapers. These unassuming yet remarkably effective garments offer a range of advantages that can significantly enhance the quality of life for those grappling with urinary frequency and urgency.

1. Independence: The use of adult diapers empowers individuals to regain a sense of independence that may have been compromised by their urinary concerns. No longer tethered to the immediate availability of restroom facilities, they can venture forth confidently, free from the constraints of urgency.

2. Social Reconnection: The often harsh reality of isolation due to urinary problems can be countered by the sense of freedom that adult diapers provide. Individuals can rekindle their social connections, engaging in activities and interactions they might have longed for but hesitated to pursue.

3. Enhanced Confidence: The knowledge that they are equipped with a reliable solution can boost an individual’s self-assurance. With adult diapers as a safety net, the fear of accidents diminishes, allowing them to participate in events and outings with newfound confidence.

4. Comfort and Discretion: Modern adult diapers are designed with comfort and discretion in mind. Advanced materials ensure that they are comfortable to wear, and discreet designs prevent them from being visible under clothing, preserving the user’s dignity.

5. Improved Sleep Quality: Nocturnal urinary concerns often disrupt sleep patterns. Adult diapers can offer a peaceful night’s rest by preventing the need to wake up multiple times to use the restroom.

6. Travel Freedom: The prospect of travel, which might have been previously daunting, becomes attainable. Whether it’s a short trip to the grocery store or a more extended journey, the security of wearing adult diapers minimizes the logistical challenges associated with frequent restroom stops.

7. Reduced Anxiety: The constant worry about locating a restroom can contribute to heightened anxiety. The assurance that adult diapers provide can help alleviate this stress, enabling individuals to focus on enjoying the moment.

8. Caregiver Relief: For those receiving care or assistance, the use of adult diapers can ease the burden on caregivers. With fewer urgent trips to the restroom, caregivers can allocate their energy to other aspects of care.

Dr Zubair Saleem is a Senior Geriatric Consultant and Gerontologist.
