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Updates from GKF

The study aims to reveal the prevalence and patterns of noncommunicable diseases in the area
12:00 AM Feb 11, 2024 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM
updates from gkf

The Gauri Kaul Foundation has launched a groundbreaking medical research endeavor in Hawl Pulwama focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs).


Hawl has been chosen as one of the study sites for this nationwide project named the SUPPORT Study, led by St John’s Medical College and Research Institute in Bangalore. In Kashmir, the Support study is conducted under the auspices of the Gauri Research Centre, a division of the Gauri Kaul Foundation.


The study targets diseases such as cancer, mental disorders, hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which fall under the spectrum of non-communicable


As part of the project, participants will receive complimentary consultations and
screening tests for various NCDs conducted in the comfort of their homes. This marks a significant
milestone as it is the first time such a study is being conducted in Hawl.


The local community in Hawl and neighboring areas has expressed immense appreciation for this
medical research initiative taking place in their villages.


The study aims to reveal the prevalence and patterns of non-communicable diseases in the area,
providing crucial insights for developing preventive strategies and appropriate management protocols.

