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Understanding DEMENTIA

07:22 AM Jul 29, 2023 IST | Dr. Arif Maghribi Khan.
understanding dementia

Dementia is currently the seventh leading cause of death and one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people globally. According to WHO “ Currently more than 55 million people have dementia worldwide, over 60% of whom live in low-and middle-income countries. Every year, there are nearly 10 million new cases. Women are disproportionately affected by dementia, both directly and indirectly. Women experience higher disability-adjusted life years and mortality due to dementia, but also provide 70% of care hours for people living with dementia”.

How to support patients of Dementia?

> Provide good physical care that is good nutrition, eye glasses, hearing aids, protection (stairs, stoves, electric appliances) and so on.


>Keep in similar settings if possible. Surrounded with familiar objects, kept old friends engaged. Encourage the family’s participation and understanding.


>Keep the patient involved – through personal contact, frequent orientation[ remind in a friendly way of the day and of the time]. Discuss good news. Use calendars, television and radios. Structured daily activities make them predictable.


>Help maintain patients’ self esteem, such an important point. Treat him like an adult while talking with him, give respect but in your heart think s/he is a child. Plan towards his/her strengths. Be accepting and tolerant. Do not argue with patients. We should remember one Golden rule “ As we grow old , our parents are getting older”.


>Avoid dark, isolated settings and over-stimulation or forcing your orders.


>Respect privacy, especially when going to the washroom or taking a shower. Family members should try to make going to toilet at fixed time , we can limit drinks at bedtime

>Use simple words and keep conversation short regarding newly developed negative traits.

>Give simple tasks which will make a person with dementia happy.

>Digestion becomes difficult in dementia, start giving small portions and if fruits are to be given give them also in well cut small pieces.

>Many family members forget that in dementia patients memory is affected, sometimes it seems to us they are lying to us, the truth is they just have forgotten, not lying.


Early diagnosis is key , in which we need to visit geriatric specialist. With use of Google we think we can diagnose everything and there is no need for a doctor, so when our parents have just started to get older, if they do not recognize somebody we ourselves label them as patient of dementia, in most cases it is not dementia but new glasses are needed as eyesight is deteriorated. Same is the case when they do not respond to our conversation, again hurriedly at home we make a diagnosis of dementia, while sometimes hearing aids are required.

If possible specific conditions can be treatable and corrected by a geriatric specialist. In many homes patients often run away from home, so an identification card is a must in his/her pocket.

I am talking of patients who have a history of running away from home. Also when such a person is found do not show any signs of aggression or God forbid punishment.

Acute anxiety , restiveness, aggression, and agitation can be treated with help of a psychiatrist.

Lastly, the mental health of family members can get affected, so we should also practise self care .