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The Risks of Self-Medication

A Cautionary Tale for Seniors
12:00 AM Feb 18, 2024 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM

As a doctor, I often encounter elderly patients seeking relief from various ailments. Recently, a 78-year-old man visited me with worsening symptoms, including lower limb swelling, vomiting and loss of appetite. Initially, his medical history seemed unremarkable. However, upon further inquiry, he disclosed that he had been self-medicating with supplements in capsule form and had even received injections in his muscles.

Upon probing deeper, I learned that the patient had obtained a prescription from a friend who claimed to have experienced similar symptoms and found relief through the prescribed regimen. The compounder who administered the injection confirmed that the prescription included an intramuscular vitamin D injection and a multivitamin supplement. Unfortunately, the patient failed to realize that what worked for his friend might not necessarily be suitable for him.


Upon evaluation, it became evident that the self-medication had led to kidney injury due to the unnecessary vitamin D injection and supplements. This case underscores the dangers of self-medication, even with seemingly harmless vitamins and supplements, especially for seniors.

Each individual's health needs are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is crucial to understand that self-medication can have serious consequences, particularly for older adults who may already have underlying health issues. Consulting a doctor is imperative before initiating any treatment regimen.


Seniors, in particular, should be cautious about self-medication due to age-related changes in metabolism and organ function. What may seem like a harmless supplement could interact adversely with existing medications or exacerbate underlying health conditions.

Furthermore, self-medication can delay the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of underlying health issues. Symptoms may be masked temporarily, but the underlying cause remains untreated, potentially leading to further complications down the line.

It is essential to emphasize that only doctors possess the expertise to prescribe appropriate medications tailored to individual needs. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment based on anecdotal evidence or advice from non-professionals can be risky and counterproductive.


Definition: Self-medication is the practice where individuals diagnose and treat their health conditions without consulting healthcare professionals.

Types of Self-Medication:

Bad Effects of Self-Medication:

How to Avoid Self-Medication:
