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The Forgotten Debt

Each book she brought home was a testament to her unwavering dedication
12:05 AM May 19, 2024 IST | Dr. Showkat Rashid Wani
the forgotten debt

If you give Allah a goodly loan, He will increase it for you several fold and will forgive you. Allah is Most Appreciative, Most Forbearing. (Quran64:17)


As Showkat’s life became increasingly consumed by the demands of his career and personal responsibilities, he found himself swept away by the relentless tide of busyness. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and before he knew it, years had passed in a blur of activity and ambition. Amidst the chaos of his hectic schedule, Showkat found himself neglecting the one person who had sacrificed everything for him – his mother, Nusrat. Her selfless devotion and unwavering support had been the cornerstone of his success, yet in his single-minded pursuit of achievement, he had forgotten to acknowledge her sacrifices and express his gratitude. It was on a quiet evening, as Showkat sat alone in his dimly lit office, that a sudden pang of guilt pierced through the fog of his preoccupation.


Memories of his childhood flooded his mind – the early mornings spent studying with his mother, the handwritten notes of encouragement tucked into his school diary, the countless sacrifices she had made to ensure his success. Pen in hand he reflected the countless sacrifices her mother had made during his education journey. To quote “From the moment I was born, my mother made a solemn vow to nurture my mind and spirit, believing that education is the key to unlocking a world of endless possibilities. Though our circumstances were humble, my mother poured all her love and resources into ensuring that I receive a quality education. In the early years of my childhood, when money was tight and resources scarce, my mother found creative ways to supplement my learning. She searched second-hand bookstores near Pather Masjid Zaina Kadal, combing through dusty shelves in search of hidden gems that would ignite my curiosity.


Each book she brought home was a testament to her unwavering dedication, its well-worn pages a doorway to new worlds and endless possibilities. She sacrificed her own comforts, forgoing new clothes and luxury items, to invest in her son’s education. Every rupee saved was earmarked for my future, a testament to my mother’s unwavering love and devotion. But it wasn’t just financial sacrifices, she also dedicated her time and energy to support me in my studies. Late into the night, after a long day of work, my mother would sit with me at the kitchen table, helping me with my homework and offering words of encouragement when the challenges seemed insurmountable. And then there were the small but meaningful acts of kindness that my mother performed each day. She would accompany me to the bus stop carrying my bag and ensured I board the school bus on time. Late into the night, long after the rest of the world had drifted off to sleep, I frequently discovered my mother washing my school uniform, ironing my clothes and putting cover on my notebooks. She stayed up late into the night, sewing patches on to my old school uniform to make it look presentable.


Every morning, before the sun had even begun to rise, my mother would wake me with a gentle touch and a warm smile, preparing my favorite breakfast with care and packing my school bag with all the essentials, I would need for the day ahead. One day during childhood I had contracted a severe respiratory infection that required immediate treatment. My mother rushed me to the hospital bare-footed and sold her marriage ring which was gifted to her by my late grandfather to meet medical expenses, she spend sleepless nights in the hospital to assist in my recovery. She never once complained about the sleepless nights or the exhaustion that weighed heavy on her shoulders. Her love is a beacon of light in my darkest moments, guiding me through the storm with unwavering strength and compassion. I remember I would often without reservation snatch a piece of meat from her food plate it was reciprocated with a gentle smile on her face. I remember countless times my mother skipped meals so that there would be enough food for me on the table. Her selflessness knew no bounds.


I remember the wistful look in her eyes whenever she talked about the career she wanted to pursue, the places she wanted to see, the experiences she wanted to share. But instead of chasing after her own dreams, she dedicated every ounce of her energy and passion to nurture me. I was the nucleus of her existence.”


With a heavy heart, Showkat realized that he had allowed the demands of his own life to blind him to the sacrifices of the woman who had given him everything. He felt a deep sense of remorse for his neglect and vowed to make amends, to express his gratitude to his mother in a way that truly honored her sacrifices. Rising from his chair, Showkat reached for his phone and dialed his mother’s number, his heart beating with anticipation. As the phone rang, he rehearsed the words he would say, determined to convey the depth of his appreciation and love. When Nusrat answered the call, her voice warm and familiar, Showkat felt a wave of emotion wash over him. With tears in his eyes, he poured out his heart to his mother, expressing his gratitude for her unwavering support and sacrifices.

He thanked her for everything she had done for him, for believing in him when he doubted himself, for guiding him with wisdom and love. As he spoke, Showkat felt a weight lift from his shoulders, replaced by a profound sense of peace and gratitude. In that moment, he realized the true value of his mother’s sacrifices – not just in shaping his success, but in shaping the person he had become. From that day forward, Showkat made a conscious effort to prioritize his relationship with his mother, to cherish every moment they shared together. He vowed to never again forget the sacrifices she had made for him, to honor her love and devotion with his own. And as he hung up the phone, a smile reflected on his face, Showkat knew that he had taken the first step on a journey of gratitude and redemption.

Dr. Showkat Rashid Wani is a Senior Coordinator, Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kashmir