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Strong action needed

It is in the interest of all that practices like illegal mining are stopped
10:42 PM Jan 28, 2025 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
strong action needed
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For past some time there is an increasing focus on the cases of illegal mining. The media has been consistently highlighting the cases of illegal mining in the length and breadth of the valley. There are concerns that if the practice of illegal mining continues unabated it would destroy our waterbodies that are already under threat because of various other reasons. We have seen many people writing about this problem, urging the administration to take a stern action in this regard. Even the administration seems to be gearing up to address the issue. The news that some vehicles  used in illegal mining have been seized by the police may be a small act in the right direction. But the matter cannot certainly be resolved through some odd actions here and there. It needs a concerted effort, and a long term action plan that strikes at the very root of this illegal practice.

We all know that the environmental concerns are deepening around the globe with each passing day. The way our natural resources are getting adversely impacted by a wanton abuse from exploitative elements, is putting the life of our  future generations at risk. We have already been experiencing the erratic weather patterns and its dangerous fall out on us. We have been witnessing dwindling of our natural resources just because we allowed the unscrupulous elements to carry on with their exploitative activities. We have seen how our water bodies are shrinking because we failed to stop people who encroached upon these water bodies. We allowed the pollutants go into our water bodies unhindered and the results are in front of us. The water that was drinkable some decades back is stinking and we cannot even get closer to it.

If the illegal mining continues it will have a devastating impact on another natural component of our environment. It is time we heed those who are raising the alarm in this regard. We must keenly listen to what the National Green Tribunal wants us to listen, and abide by the instructions, the rules, and statutes in this regard. It is in the interest of all that practices like illegal mining are stopped. A strict action, and a severe punishment to the erring, are needed.

