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Srinagar Traffic’s Metaphorical Maze

12:24 AM Nov 26, 2023 IST | Syeda Afshana
srinagar traffic’s metaphorical maze

In Srinagar’s heartbeat,


a chaotic ballet unfolds.


Traffic jams, an intricate dance of cars,


clog streets and arteries as a daily maze.


Yet in the cacophony,


life finds its own ways.



Through the tangled threads

of Nowhatta’s cuddle,

a journey begins, a winding path maps out.

Dust-laden alleys, secrets they hold,

Stories of patience

in the tales they’ve witnessed.

Honks echo,

a symphony of hurried beats.

Accelerating dreams on concrete lanes.

We rush, we weave, a frantic trip.

Yet in the bedlam,

lessons come across their way.

Jahangir Chowk,

a flyover to the sky.

Yet we veer away, our reasons strange.

Not just a detour, a metaphor profound.

Life’s diversions

in each choice, are stumbled on.

Main roads wide,

a canvas for haste.

But we choose bylanes, where time sews up.

Through Jawahar Nagar

with its whispers of trees,

And Solina’s alleys, where stories locate limits.

Different routes, like life’s varied turns,

Each twist, a lesson,

each curve, a yearn.

We U-turn, reverse,

in retrospection’s flash.

Navigating destinies in the traffic fix.

In the commotion, a quiet resilience,

as we steer life

with its vast expanse.

Patience, the virtue learned in the crawl.

A lesson profound,

in the traffic mess.

Through each signal,

a metaphor for fate,

We wait, we inch, we foresee.

Red, a pause,

in life’s fleeting race.

Green, a reminder of hope and poise.

In Srinagar’s traffic, a reflection mirrors,

life’s intricate, tangled relation.

We choose our paths,

with every ride.

In traffic pandemonium,

our destinies stand.

In Srinagar, chaos takes the wheel.

Cars, wider than ever,

navigate lanes so thin.

Roads, growing narrower, a daily ordeal.

An allegory for life,

where madness begins.

Cops in blue, a static presence, not on the rise.

Vehicles multiplying,

a constant shocker.

A mark for responsibilities that build up,

yet resources dwindle,

like grains through an hourglass.

Big cars, small roads, a common tableau.

Much like life’s challenges,

at times unseen.

Traffic sense shrinking

as cars get grand,

A parallel to life’s choices, hard to realize.

So, let’s speed and honk a little less,

and appreciate more.

The detours we take,

the routes we find.

For in the jams, and the rush-hour strain,

Life teaches us tolerance, amid the tough territory.
