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Skyrocketing of vegetable prices

06:55 AM Aug 09, 2023 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
skyrocketing of vegetable prices

Because of the skyrocketing of the prices of vegetables in the markets,  the consumers are suffering a lot. As per reports the Kashmiri Haakh ( collard green) is said to be more expensive than chicken in Kashmir.


The other vegetables are also sold at exorbitant rates. The market checking by the concerned officials to control the prices of vegetables is not that visible. There should be more visibility on a large scale of such a process.


There is significant difference between the wholesale and retail prices of the vegetables. The prices sky rocket after the vegetables reach local marketplaces.


The big gap at the wholesale and retail  levels has to be minimised. Nobody is against earning of profit by the vegetable sellers.


But the profit should be justified and the consumers must afford buying the vegetables. The authorities must see to it as to what is happening. They must put a check on such type of unjustified trends. The officials have to act before the consumers are fleeced in the markets.


The vegetable sellers are giving various reasons for the price rise. Some of the reasons can be factual but that does not mean that the prices have to sky rocket. There should not be significant difference in the wholesale and retail prices.


It is being hoped that the concerned authorities will come into action and control the price. Secondly, there are reports of more vegetables reaching the markets from outside and locally in coming weeks. This may also help in the prices coming down.


The vegetable sellers used to say that because of moonsoon and floods in some areas outside the supply of vegetables to Kashmir from there was hit. The supply was hit also because of low production at local level due to heavy rains in last months.

There was more demand and less supply. It is being hoped that with the improvement in the supply, the gap between demand and supply will get reduced and prices also come down. The authorities must dicharge their duty of keeping the prices under control.
