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SKUAST-K holds 34th Extension Council meeting

12:00 AM Feb 15, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE

Srinagar, Feb 14: The 34th Extension Council Meeting of SKUAST-Kashmir was conducted through hybrid mode today.

The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prof Nazir Ahmad Ganai, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K. Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension/Education, Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhary, Director Agriculture Kashmir, Prof. Rajbeer Singh, ADG (AAF&CC) ICAR-Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan New Delhi, Prof. Nasib Singh, Professor (Ext Edu), Senior Coordinator, KVK Kurekshetra also participated in the meeting.


Besides Directors, Deans, HoDs of SKUAST-Kashmir, Joint Directors, representatives of line departments and progressive farmers attended the meeting.

As per the statement, the purpose of the said meeting is to take stock of the progress in disseminating technologies developed by SKUAST-Kashmir for their ultimate adoption by the farmers. Besides, reviewing the coordination with line departments; discussing new proposals in agriculture and allied sectors and receiving feedback from the Directors of line departments and progressive farmers, a publication from SKUAST-K titled “Management Guide for Apple Orchards in Kashmir” and a book entitled “Diagnostic Guide for Veterinary Clinicians” were released.


Vice Chancellor, Prof Nazir Ahmad Ganai in his speech explained the extension in a broader perspective and emphasised collaborative research and extension activities for the welfare of the farming community.

He congratulated all the scientists of the University for their contribution given the posthumous Bharat Ratna award to MS Swaminathan in recognition of his monumental contributions to the nation in agriculture and farmer’s welfare. He stressed the cyber extension system and advisories for farmers with respect of the changing climate scenario of the valley. Moreover, he deliberated on the finalization of the contingency plan for the coming Kharif season with due emphasis on Millets in the same.

Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension presented a documentary titled “From Skilling to Start-ups” and the extension activities undertaken during the year. He highlighted the progress made by the constituent units of SKUAST-Kashmir on various agenda items and also the progress of farmers under the supervision of the Directorate of Extension and KVKs. He appreciated the role of KVKs, Research stations and Divisions and Units in formulating and disseminating the technologies to the end users.

Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhary, Director Agriculture Kashmir in his address lauds the University and line departments for joint and coordinated efforts for the betterment of the farming community and envisaged research and development of agri based economy of Kashmir as a parallel tool for the region against tourism. He stressed the role of the University in R&D in quality seed production, development of new resilient varieties and modern linkages for changing agri-marketing systems in the Valley.

The expert member Prof. Rajbeer Singh appreciated the role of the University in technology evaluations, technology dissemination, skill development and capacity building of unemployed youth and their encouragement for start-ups which is now being highlighted at the national level.

The officers of the line departments hailed the contribution of the scientific fraternity in agriculture and allied sciences and research conducted on field-oriented problems.

The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks.

