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Shopian residents protest against blasphemy post

12:00 AM Jun 07, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE

Shopian, June 6: A group of residents in south Kashmir’s Shopian town late Thursday afternoon staged a peaceful protest against the blasphemous post by a medical student at Government Medical College, Srinagar.

The protesting residents, mostly women, gathered in front of the historic Jamia Masjid in the main bazar and held a peaceful protest.


The street echoed with slogans like “our prophet our pride” for quite some time.

The protesters carried the placards, reading the same slogans. The protesters were demanding strict action against the offender.


“Hurting our religious sentiments is not palatable to us. We demand strict action against the student involved in it”, said a protester, while deploring the blasphemous content. The protesters later dispersed peacefully.
