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Shopian Diary

02:05 AM Jun 10, 2024 IST | Gulzar Bhat
shopian diary

Residents demand immediate completion of children's park construction


Residents of Sheikh Mohalla in south Kashmir's Shopian town have rued about the run-down state of children's park in their locality.


Almost two years ago, the administration built a park in the locality after repeated pleas by the residents.


The authorities, however, left the construction work half way through.


The incomplete park with an open surface water tank poses a serious safety hazard, particulary for the children who could accidently slip into it.


"The authorities neglected to complete the necessary work,leaving the water tank uncovered. It poses a great risk to the children playing around the tank. Even it could become a safe breeding ground for mosquitos, exacerbating the safety concerns,"said Basharat Ahmad, a resident.


He said that the iron fencing surrounding the park had also been damaged. Ahmad said that although the main gate of the park was closed, the people enter the venue through the damaged fencing.


Another resident said that it was the only park in the locality.

" There is no other space for children in the locality, but it is lying in a run-down sate," he said.

Basharat said that authorities failed to install benches, lights and other facilities in the park.

The residents appealed to the administration to complete the unfinished work and throw it formally open to the people.

Secretary Municipal Council Shopian (MCS), Asadullah told Greater Kashmir that the construction work was halted due to the Model Code of Conduct ( MCC).

He said that the work would be restored soon.

The official, however, appealed to the residents not to use the space for playing the cricket.

Traffic jams irk commuters

Pesky traffic snarls in Shopian town are causing immense great inconveniences to motorists and pedestrians alike.

A group of commuters said that bumper to bumper traffic is witnessed near Four Way chowk, Hospital road and Bonabazar Chowk.

"The trucks and tractors ferrying construction material, entering the town during the peak hours, resulting in traffic jams," said Javed Ahmad, a commuter.

He said that overhead barriers were erected at different locations in the town to stop the entry of heavy trucks in the town.

"We are clueless about the removal of such barriers", Ahmad said.

Many residents said that many motorists park their vehicles on roadsides, causing traffic jams.

They appealed for more efficient traffic regulations.
