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Rising incidents of forest fires

12:00 AM Jun 05, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
rising incidents of forest fires

Extensive damage has been caused due to forest fires in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir. Such incidents are on the rise since the heatwave gripped the union territory. Reports of forest fires keep on pouring from various areas frequently now. While the fires are extinguished but not before causing damage.


If such incidents keep on occurring the forests will suffer further damage. There is an immediate need to prevent the forest fires. All precautionary measures have to be taken in this direction. Advisories are being issued by the concerned department in this connection. The advisories must be strictly adhered to by the people living in or near the forests or working there.


It is the responsibility of all the citizens to protect the green gold from fires. The forest have suffered immense damage in the past due to timber smuggling. Large number of trees were cut and vast forest cover got damaged. While the large scale timber smuggling was controlled and extensive plantation done, now it is time to safeguard forests from fire.


Last year also large number of forest fire incidents were reported. And this year also there is no end to such mishaps. The concerned departments must take pro-active measures to prevent such mishaps. And if a fire breaks out the required arrangements must be in place to respond quickly and extinguish the fire.


While such operations are difficult sometimes but have to be carried out speedily. The delay in fire fighting operations means more losses. These losses have to be minimised. Adequate men and machinery have to be made available to the concerned departments to act swiftly and effectively. If there are any shortcomings those should be taken care of.


The departments should take up with higher authorities the issues, if there is any kind of shortage in manpower and machinery. If there is no such problem then fire fighters must act quickly and save the forests from damage in fires.


Awareness campaigns must be launched for the people living or working in forest area for preventing forest fires. They should be discouraged from the acts which cause the fires. And in case of a fire, it should be immediately reported to the authorities for timely action to extinguish the fire.


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