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Riding the Waves

A Journey Through Life's Challenges
01:00 AM Nov 29, 2023 IST | YASIR ALTAF ZARGAR
riding the waves

Life is an unpredictable rollercoaster, taking us through unexpected highs and unforeseen lows. It's undoubtedly difficult, particularly when such lows leave us exhausted, shattered, and unsure of what to do next. During these challenging times, we all yearn for a guide – a companion to help us find our way back to brighter days.
In the myriad of life's challenges, we often question our abilities, akin to attempting to catch a slippery fish. Just when you think you've grasped control, it slips away. Everybody has experienced when plans don't work as expected, and the frustration can be overwhelming.


The weariness settles not only in our bodies but in our souls, burdening us with a heaviness making every step feel like a marathon. Yet, acknowledging this weight is the first step towards lightening the burden, even though it's a challenging task. Acceptance serves as the first step on the ladder to conquering obstacles.
When things are bad, fear follows you around like an uninvited guest. It's normal to feel afraid when facing challenges; it may be quite scary to stand on the brink of something terrifying. However, facing


that fear is like turning on a light in a dark room – it might be scary initially, but it brings clarity.
The thought of giving up could appear as an alluring shortcut to get out of the worst moments of hardship. But here's a truth bomb: choosing that shortcut doesn't lead to a solution. Life is like not stopping


a movie midway through—it has its highs and lows and surprising turns in the story.
Time, the mysterious force that marches on, plays a crucial role. It has the power to heal wounds, change perspectives, and usher in new beginnings. The passage of time may bring new challenges, but it also carries the promise of change. Imagine it as a river; it keeps flowing, and with it, things transform. The key is to let time do its thing while you navigate the rapids.


Do you feel as though your thoughts are overwhelming you? Offer a helping hand. Reaching out may seem like a mountain to climb because of the stigma associated with mental health, but the reality is that you're not alone. It can really change things to talk to someone you trust about what you're going through. It's similar to opening a window in a stuffy room—all of a sudden, fresh air rushes in, and everything feels less stuffy.


Even though life's challenges can make you feel alone, we're all in this together. By expressing your difficulties and breaking the taboo, you build a connection with people who may be experiencing similar things. In hard times, connection is like glue that keeps us together. Thus, don't be scared to open your arms and let people in.
The obstacles we face in life may appear insurmountable, but here's a secret: mountains are ascended one step at a time. You underestimate the strength that exists within you. It's acceptable to go slowly, acknowledge little accomplishments, and keep in mind that any progress is progress nonetheless.


In the grand scheme of things, tough times are like storms. They're intense, scary, and seem never-ending. But just as every storm passes, so do challenging moments. It's about weathering the storm with resilience, knowing that on the other side, there's a brighter sky waiting for you. Life's challenges may be formidable, but so too is the human spirit that perseveres in the face of adversity.


Accept the journey, one step at a time, and remember that the destination that lies ahead of you is not merely a cliché; rather, it is the light at the end of the tunnel. You are the hero in your own epic journey that is life. So fasten your seatbelt, enjoy the journey, and don't forget to take in the scenery as you go.

The author works with a bank on Rural Self-Employment
