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Richness, Fun and Paradox

English language is rich in its elements that make it funny, pleasurable, alluring, entertaining, paradoxical, and structurally scintillating
12:00 AM May 06, 2024 IST | DR BILAL AHMAD DAR

English language enjoys the status of International language, lingua franca, bridge language etc. People crave to learn this because of its International status, richness and grace.  In comparison to other languages, English language is protean, polymorphous and shape shifting in nature.

‘English language is the most universal language in history, way more than the Latin of Julius Caesar. It’s the most punderful language because its vocabulary has a certain critical mass that makes a lingo good for punning’, so says, Richard Lederer.


Delving into the nuances and subtleties of it, one comes across lot of funny and paradoxical things. It is funny and paradoxical in so many contexts. By many contexts, I actually refer to pronunciation or orthoepy of words, structure of words, structure of sentences, morphology of words, and orthography of words.

This language is funny and paradoxical both syntactically and semantically. The fun and paradoxical plaisir (pleasure) that this language provides comes from certain language games and the study that deals with language games is known as logology or recreational linguistics. The term logology was actually coined by the recreational linguist Dmitri Alfred Borgmann.


He has written path breaking  and pioneering books on logology. He is mostly known for his ‘Language on Vacation: An Olio of Orthographical Oddities’ (1965), ‘Beyond Language: Adventures in word and Thought’ (1967) and ‘Curious Crosswords’. The other recreational linguists or logologists/ ludolinguists who did a lot of work in the field of ludolinguistics are: Martin Gardner, Mike Keith, Jeremiah Farrell, Douglas Hofstadter, and Willard R.Espy.

If we are to highlight the recreational/ funny and paradoxical aspects of English Language, we can cite the following linguistic terms:

Like the above given terms of fun and paradox, English language has a rich source of varied elements that make it funny, pleasurable, alluring, entertaining, paradoxical, quite quizzical, comical and all the more structurally scintillating.

Dr Bilal Ahmad Dar, Lecture English.
