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ReT Teachers: Tragedy with a difference

They are not just afraid of losing the job, but concerned about their honour as well
11:47 PM Nov 26, 2023 IST | Guest Contributor
ret teachers  tragedy with a difference

The vision document 2047 was released by Planning Development and Monitoring Department Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir, wherein unskilled Rehber-e-Taleem (RET) teachers are declared major threat for educational development in the region. I'm am quoting the actual words from the Vision Document: “Un-trained teachers/ReTs/RReTs in Government Schools”(VD Page 158). The teacher community raised voice against the vision document. They are not afraid of losing the job but are concerned about their honour and respect.


Although selection was fair and was as per rules and regulation of the Govt. RET scheme was started to provide basic education to children at their door step and many circulars were issued by the Government from time to time regarding selection process which was implemented in letter and spirit. At first Revenue village was made unit for selection and all was well. But when for political reasons and vote bank considerations the unit for selection of RET was confined to “habitation” or “mohalla”. This ruined the whole system and in this process some people got engaged as RETs putting a question mark on standard and quality education. Rules were amended from time to time to benefit the local youth for political gains. There was mushroom growth of primary schools under the slogan of “Education for All” or (Sarva shiksha Abiyan) which urged the government to merge many schools. The scheme was educational in nature, but in our state politics crept into the policy and made it an “employment policy” .


I have an example from my own village. We were four friends and three of us passed 10th class in the first attempt in year 2000 and fourth one failed. Now see the tragedy; we three did post-graduation in 2008 from Kashmir University and our friend cleared 12th class after 5 chances in the same year and got engaged as RET in 2010 on habitation criteria. We are still unemployed, although from the same village. And there are many stories like our village.


Another tragedy is that some people succeeded in producing fake certificate and got selected, while some produced the degrees of fake universities or study centres run by some consultants in our valley. As there was no such verification process at that time by the concerned ZEOs or CEOs, and people got selected on a mere production of Xerox copies of documents.


RET was considered as permanent employee and all of them got married on this basis. And now if this RET teacher is disgraced after three decades, what will be his/her position in the family and the society!
Another side of the story is that the ReT teachers had suffered a lot since their appointment back in year 2000-2001. Is it not a tragedy that these ReT teachers were exploited for five years on a meager stipend of ₹ 50/Day?


The vision document 2047 puts teachers on the radar but gives deaf ear to other problems of the system which include the impoverished conditions of government schools as good number of schools are without basic infrastructure. The first threat mentioned in the document is regarding the monitoring the objectives of private educational institutions, but no media house raised that issue but directly question the credibility of ReT teachers. I am of the opinion that only few journalists may have gone through the vision 2047 document and rest copy pasted the story.


In the same document on page 163 is the mention of higher education of Jammu & Kashmir wherein the 1st threat mentioned in the vision document is regarding the unemployment and brain drain of learned and skilled youth by the foreign countries. “Constant threat of poaching of learned and skilled youth by foreign countries due to lack of proper employment avenues” (VD page 163). But till date no one media house or socio-political organization debated the grave issue of brain drain and unemployment in the region, rather they focused mainly on the ReT teachers.


Last tragedy is that in the vision document consisting of 333 pages, media highlighted the single line of the document and published stories on social media which disgraced the teacher community. Before questioning credibility and qualification of ReT teachers, government as well as other stake holders should introspect that Rehber-e-Taleem teachers are the pillars of education system. It is sheer injustice that all teachers are driven by the same rod. It is apt to mention that most of the ReT are now a days working as lectures and some are working as district level officers.

These teachers even risked their lives during election duty. They prepared census reports - a vital survey for development and future planning at Niti Ayog. Not only this, these teachers prepared voter lists thus strengthened the democratic fiber of the union territory and India as well. The teachers are pioneers in spreading the digital knowledge and have participated in digital India Programmes and their services were utilized from Aadhar card and ration card registration. they are on front line during Back to Village programmes organized by the government.

It is apt to mention that these teachers played a vital role during COVID-19 Pandemic thus risking their lives. isn’t it true that these teachers were appointed as nodal offices at covid centres and even some were doing screening at Lower Munda Quazigund, railway station and airport. The work of these teachers was acknowledged at UT and national level and many Ret were awarded at UT level and this year ReT teacher namely Reyaz Ahmad Sheikh from Anantnag bagged Best teacher award at National level.

Bottom Line
So before questioning the worth of Rehber-e-Taleem Teachers, it is necessary to have a look on other sectors of the Union Territory mentioned in the Vision Document 2047. Regarding education system there is a need of updating the curriculum with an emphasis on practical skills, integrating technology, involving communities, supporting special education, improving assessment techniques, addressing socio-economic disparities, and establishing ongoing monitoring and feedback systems. It is the duty of media to go through the Vision Document and also highlight the issues related to other sectors and departments.


Author teaches Geography at Government Degree College Kulgam
