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Rejuvenated Border Roads Organization

Post Galwan, there has been tremendous impetus on increasing the road network on our Northern borders, especially in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh
12:00 AM Mar 06, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
rejuvenated border roads organization

Roads in plains and roads in mountains are entirely two different activities. The Border Roads Organization (BRO) has been tasked with the onerous task of building infrastructure in challenging terrain. However, since its inception in 1960, BRO had been serving two masters which created considerable confusion in handling of projects. The financial control was with Surface Transport Ministry, but its tasks were defined by the Defence Ministry. Such dual control created problems in the smooth functioning of the organisation which led to inordinate delays.


On 1st January 2015, a significant decision was taken by Modi Govt to put BRO under complete financial and administrative control of the Ministry of Defence, which proved to be a masterstroke to revive this ailing and beleaguered organisation.


BRO had been structured to undertake all its projects departmentally, which grossly limited its capacity to the strength of its cadre. With 18 projects deployed along land borders, it could undertake works costing approximately Rs 3500 Cr per year only through departmental mode, which was grossly inadequate to match the infrastructure development


being undertaken by China.


In 2018, it was decided that BRO could get projects executed through EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) mode also in order to accelerate the pace of work. This was second major step to optimise the organisational capacity. Through this revolutionary decision, BRO has risen up like a phoenix from the constant plateau of execution expenditure of around Rs 3,000 Cr per year to Rs 12,600 Cr in just last 10 years.


In 2022, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh upgraded the administrative approval and expenditure sanctioning financial powers of executives at all levels. Such upgradation in financial powers not only decentralised the decision making process but also reduced cost and time overruns of projects along our Northern borders.


Post Galwan, there has been tremendous impetus on increasing the road network on our Northern borders, especially in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. To reduce the road head differential with China, in specific areas, BRO has put in extraordinary efforts through mission mode execution and also resorted to infusion of numerous new technologies to accelerate the pace of work.  From planning, to contracting, to execution, the organisation has embraced the best global practices of construction.


BRO during past few years has focussed on buying all its equipment and machines which are indigenously made including high end dozers and excavators. It also signed an MOU with Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers (GRSE) on 15 March 2022 for manufacture of 30 Double Lane Class 70 modular bridges.  This was followed up with another order for  30 modular bridges in May 2023.

To augment transparency and speed, BRO has gone ahead with automating most of its key processes. Nearly 100% of all goods and services in BRO are being procured on GeM (Government eMarket Place) including purchase of steel and cement and all its machines.  This not only has saved approximately 12-14% of public money but also accelerated the infrastructure projects.

The Government has been extremely supportive with funding BRO for construction of strategic projects. There has been unprecedented increment of 160% in funding during last three years from Rs 2,500 Cr in 2021-22 to Rs 6500 Cr in 2024-25 for Army projects. Today BRO undertakes works for the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs and DoNER ministries, besides projects given by states and other organisations.

BRO employs approximately 90 thousand casual paid labourers (CPLs) for execution of its projects in most tough terrain and climatic conditions.  Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, in Jan 2024, approved term insurance scheme for casual labourers engaged by BRO, wherein Rs 10 Lakhs would be paid to the next of kin of the CPL in case he/she dies while working with BRO. These welfare measures have have boosted the morale of workers and contributed to increased productivity.

As a result of so many steps taken by the Government to energise BRO, the organisation has also responded positively towards its new found productive approach.  This has translated into more and better roads, bridges, tunnels and airfields on our northern borders, closing in the long prevailing gap with China. During the last three years period itself, Raksha Mantri has dedicated to the Nation 330 projects costing approximately Rs 9,000 crores, consisting of 74 roads, 245 bridges and 11 other allied security related works.

The paradigm shift from the earlier defensive mentality of the previous governments to the aggressive posturing of the current Government seems to be finally on track with massive infrastructural development all along the borders. This development has not only bolstered security but also catalysed economic growth. Today, with present day last mile connectivity on our Northern Borders, not only our soldiers can reach any point of conflict much faster than yesteryears.

The roads connecting remote villages have not only brought Central Government schemes to those neglected from the fruits of surging economy but also triggered reverse migration.

Now that the BRO, or the Nation’s "bro" ( brother) as called by Raksha Mantri while inaugurating a project in Arunachal Pradesh is surging ahead with full momentum, there is a compulsive need to go in for more reforms.  With assured funding at the same incremental rate and more reforms, it is certain that within next 5 years India would leave China behind in the larger domain of border infrastructure.

BY Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry

Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry (Retd), Former DG, Border Roads Organization.
