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PUF concerned over delay in DA arrears’ release

01:51 AM May 15, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE
puf concerned over delay in da arrears’ release

Srinagar, May 14: President Pensioners United front (PUF) and chairman Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum Abul Qayoom Wani has expressed grave concern over delay in releasing the pending DA arrears of 18 months of Vovid period in favour of pensioners and employees of J&K.

In a statement he also expressed strong resentment over unnecessary delay in four percent due DA from January 2024. Wani said that present sky touching price hike has adversely effected the life of pensioners and employees due to indifferent attitude of government towards the employees and pensioners who are the back bone of state machinery.

He also urged upon the administration to take a positive view on health insurance policy to pensioners who are facing acute health issues by refusing health insurance benefits to pensioners seems double standards of insure companies and government. Wani said that the pensioners are the experienced class of society who need special treatment in resolving their pending issues.

