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Prominent Pandit leader Ashok Bhan calls for restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir

He welcomes the statement of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq urging Kashmiri Pandits to come back to Kashmir to bridge past gaps
01:41 PM Jun 15, 2024 IST | GK Web Desk
Prominent Pandit leader Ashok Bhan calls for restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir --- File Photo

Srinagar, June 15: Saying that the degradation of Jammu and Kashmir to a Union Territory has hurt the political consciousness of Kashmir, prominent Supreme Court lawyer and Pandit leader Ashok Bhan on Saturday urged the Government of India to restore the status of statehood to Jammu & Kashmir.

Bhan urged the Union Government to constitute a truth, peace, and reconciliation commission suggested by the Supreme Court of India "to balm the festering wounds and help to give closure to the violence syndrome."


He also said that there is a societal consensus in Kashmir for the Gharwapsi of displaced Kashmiri Pandits, as civil society, political mainstream, and non-mainstream leadership are vocally saying Kashmir is incomplete without Kashmiri Pandits and want their return to the Valley.

"We must bridge past divides, as Kashmiri Pandits have been warmly welcomed by the Muslim community during Mela Kheer Bhawani, showcasing a strong bond of brotherhood between both communities. It's imperative for Kashmiri Pandits to return to their homeland in Kashmir," he said.


He particularly welcomed the statement of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq urging Kashmiri Pandits to come back to Kashmir to bridge past gaps and called it a positive step.

He urged media outlets to report responsibly to avoid escalating tensions.

Bhan also appealed to the central government to conduct assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the Supreme Court's deadline before September 2024.

Meanwhile Bhan known for his track two diplomacy expertise is reported to have met wide spectrum of mainstream & non mainstream leadership including Dr Farooq Abdullah & Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Ghulam Hassan Mir, Shoaib Lone and Engineer Rashid’s core group etc besides cross section of Civil Society, Legal fraternity & media persons etc.
