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Prevention of drug abuse and the role of senior Citizens

06:48 AM Jun 30, 2024 IST | Dr Arif Maghribi Khan

As we now know that early one starts abusing a drug, the outcome becomes worse.

So it is important that drug abusers are screened at the earliest. Early detection means best results whether drug abuse or diabetes as both are medical disorders.There are medical signs of drug abuse as already discussed from 24 June onwards  in Greater Kashmir, so no need for me to repeat those signs.


Adolescence age is most vulnerable to be affected by anything bad including drug abuse.   During adolescence the pressure from traumatic situations, peer pressure from friends is immense.

It is important when we talk of drug abuse we should also talk of family and society. My humble opinion is that in places like JK and Punjab, mosques, temples, gurudwaras must function as community help centers to fight drug abuse and spread awareness on drug abuse. It is impossible for government hospitals or doctors to all, society must act in unison.So the role of senior citizens as well as clerics is pivotal.


Senior citizens can encourage youngsters visiting mosque, temple or gurduwara to talk about their problems in a structured manner.  I really wish one day our clerics would ask a senior citizen to talk about his failures and successes. How our senior citizens overcame adversity can be like ambrosia for youth.  We all would be delighted if out of 4 Fridays when our respected Imam sahibs preach they talk of drug abuse on one Friday, imam sahibs and clerics of other faiths are held in high esteem in JK, So when they tell youngsters about how they faced difficult situations, it gives a new perspective to youngsters.

Senior citizens can initiate safe spaces program for drug abusers in respective localities.

Lastly, many rehabilitation facilities are open to visit by outsiders like Imam sahibs, senior citizens who served with dignity in various departments, so youngsters accompanying our senior citizens will go a long way in creating awareness among our youth. We cannot close our youngsters in a bubble from negative influence but we  can create resilient and mindful youth. I will give example of floods, two houses were hit, one was destroyed while the flood resistant house survived. See floods hit both, for one it became a calamity for other it was just a flood.
