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Plea: Bring Forth Snow

My soul resonates with the collective prayers that ascend towards Allah, beseeching Him to bless the land with snowfall
01:00 AM Jan 18, 2024 IST | SHABIR IBN YUSUF
plea  bring forth snow

This winter, as Kashmir grapples with an unprecedented dry spell and the absence of the cherished snowfall, Kashmiris find themselves turning to the divine in a heartfelt plea for the life-giving gift of snow.


The snowfall in Kashmir is more than just a meteorological phenomenon; it is a spiritual experience that resonates deeply with the residents of this valley. As the world outside transforms into a winter wonderland, the snow blankets the land, symbolizing purity, hope, and sustenance. It is a blessing from the heavens that not only adorns the mountains and fields but also nourishes the very soul of Kashmir.


This winter, however, the snow has been scarce, and the people of Kashmir, known for their resilience in the face of nature's whims, are expressing their concerns through fervent prayers and heartfelt pleas. The once vibrant rivers and lakes are now a testament to the dry spell, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape that has inspired poets and artists for centuries.


As a Kashmiri, I find myself joining the chorus of voices that rise from the valley, reaching out to the divine with a plea for snowfall. Our prayer is not merely a request for a change in weather; it is a humble entreaty for the sustenance of life itself. The snow is not just frozen precipitation; it is a source of nourishment for our fields, a reservoir that sustains agriculture, and a promise of prosperity for our communities.


In the silence of the snow-covered nights, our hearts echo with a yearning for the soft descent of snowflakes, each one carrying the hopes and aspirations of a people deeply connected to their land. We gather in homes, mosques, and open spaces, lifting our hands in prayer, beseeching the Almighty to bestow upon us the precious gift of snow.


Our plea to God is not just for ourselves but for the generations that will follow, for the orchards that will blossom, and the rivers that will flow with vitality once again. It is a plea for the restoration of balance in the delicate ecosystem of Kashmir, where snow and water are not just elements of nature but guardians of our way of life.


As we collectively hold our breath, awaiting the divine response to our entreaties, we find solace in the belief that the Almighty hears the whispers of our hearts. In this sacred land where nature and spirituality intertwine, may the heavens open up and bless us with the grace of snow, rejuvenating the valley and filling our lives with the serenity that only nature's embrace can provide.


For generations, the people of Kashmir have found solace and strength in their unwavering faith. As the white blanket of snow descends from the heavens, it is not merely a meteorological event; it is a divine blessing that transforms the valley into a sacred sanctuary. The snow-covered landscapes become a canvas upon which the divine strokes paint a masterpiece, a testament to the spiritual connection between the people and their Creator.

This winter, however, the landscape remains untouched by the purity of snow, leaving fields and hearts barren. In the stillness of the nights, prayers echo through the valley, rising like incense to the heavens.

The call to Allah is not a plea for mere weather change; it is a desperate entreaty for the sustenance of life itself. The snow, often seen as a symbol of Allah's mercy, is a source of nourishment for the earth, a promise of abundance, and a reflection of His benevolence.

As a Kashmiri, my soul resonates with the collective prayers that ascend towards Allah, beseeching Him to bless the land with the precious gift of snowfall. In homes, mosques, and open spaces, the faithful gather, hands raised in supplication, hearts filled with hope. We implore Allah, the Most Merciful, to bring forth the snow that will not only cover the mountains but also revive the spirit of the valley.

Our plea is not one of despair but of unwavering trust in Allah's wisdom. We believe that He hears the silent whispers of our hearts, understands the concerns etched in the furrows of the farmers' brows, and feels the yearning for the rejuvenation of the rivers that course through this sacred land.

In the profound connection between nature and spirituality, we find reassurance that our prayers do not go unanswered. As we navigate this season of dryness, we hold on to the conviction that Allah, in His infinite mercy, will bless Kashmir with the snow that sustains life, enriches the soil, and brings forth a season of prosperity.

In this sacred land where the echoes of prayers blend with the rustling leaves and flowing waters, may Allah's benevolence manifest in the form of gentle snowflakes, covering Kashmir in a divine embrace that rekindles hope, restores balance, and reaffirms the eternal connection between the people and their Creator.

(The author is senior staffer Greater Kashmir)
