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Peerbagh residents decry unscheduled power cuts

12:56 AM Apr 27, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE
peerbagh residents decry unscheduled power cuts

Srinagar, Apr 26: Residents of Green Avenue Sector A of Peerbagh have expressed concern over unscheduled power cuts in the locality.

“We are agitated over frequent power cuts which are beyond notified schedule.Frequent interruptions are so huge that even the inverters get exhausted.The colony is a metered one and indeed among the first where the meters were installed in late nineties and then replaced from time to time,” a local said.

“The smart meters were also installed in the colony in May 2023 and to be the first of its sort. There is no shortfall in the revenue which can be substantiated by the departmental records. The authorities had earlier stated that smart metering will ensure uninterrupted supply to the area but unfortunately, the area has been forced into darkness. The cuts have been started during nights even and the area remains without supply for 12- 14 hours on an average with some aberrations here and there,” the locals said.


“The authorities once contacted either did not respond or attributed the erratic supply to the linking of the area with a feeder which does not generate sufficient revenue. If that is the case, we cannot be made victims for somebody else’s sins and the department could delink the area from the feeder and put it on the other one which falls in the revenue generating category,” they added.


‘We appeal to senior officers to look into the matter and ensure round-the-clock power supply to the area,” they added.

