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Pedestrian killed in road accident in Pattan

“Medico-legal formalities are being conducted and cognizance have been taken”
11:54 AM Jun 07, 2024 IST | GK Web Desk
Pedestrian killed in road accident in Pattan --- Representational Photo

Srinagar, June 07: A 60-year-old man of north Kashmir’s Pattan area was killed in a road accident on Friday morning.

An official told the news agency Kashmir Scroll that a Bolero load career vehicle bearing registration no. JK04F-1257 hit and injured one pedestrian namely Ghulam Hassan Dar son of Mohammad Jaffer Dar of KP Bala Singhpura.


He said that the age 60-year old man was taken to trauma Hospital Pattan for treatment, where he was declared brought dead.

“Medico-legal formalities are being conducted and cognizance have been taken,” he said.


The official further said that the accused stands arrested and vehicle have been seized.
