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Pari's Journey: From Fast Food to Fertility Struggles

01:00 AM Nov 29, 2023 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM

Once upon a time, in an urban town, lived a family of five. There were loving parents and three vibrant children: two sons and a daughter named Pari. To keep the kids occupied and enjoy some free time, the parents often allowed them to indulge in mobile phones and, unfortunately, fast food. Pari, in particular, developed a penchant for ordering fast food and snacking on chips, rarely opting for homemade meals. As time passed, she began experiencing abdominal pain and irregular periods.

Concerned, the family consulted a doctor who diagnosed Pari with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Despite no family history of PCOS, the doctor attributed it to a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of junk food. Pari was advised to steer clear of fast food, engage in regular exercise, and prescribed medication.


However, Pari, like many, focused mainly on medications and neglected lifestyle changes. Even after completing her post-graduation and getting married, she faced challenges conceiving. A visit to the gynaecologist revealed that PCOS was a major contributor to her infertility issues. She was put on a lengthy medication regimen and urged once again to avoid fast food.

The struggle to conceive took a toll on Pari's mental health, causing stress not only within her immediate family but also straining relationships with her husband's family. Despite spending a significant amount on IVF treatments, the couple faced disappointment.


The father, who is my patient, reflecting on his role, regretted not curbing the children's junk food habits. One son battled obesity and borderline sugar issues, while Pari's infertility added to the family's
distress. The father blamed himself for the health problems that befell his children.

The story of Pari illustrates how a seemingly harmless packet of chips can lead to a cascade of health issues—accelerating aging, predisposing to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, mental health problems, fertility issues, and more. The takeaway is clear: the choices we make for ourselves and our children, especially in terms of diet and lifestyle, can have far-reaching consequences on our health and happiness.
