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Overloading in passenger vehicles

Drive against violators must be a regular practice
01:00 AM Dec 28, 2023 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
overloading in passenger vehicles

After the recent Doda road accident in which 39 persons were killed the concerned officials had launched a drive extensively in several parts of Jammu and Kashmir.


The drive was aimed at curbing the practice of overloading in passenger vehicles. The overloading not only causes inconvenience to passengers but also proves fatal for them in case of a major road accident like that had occurred in Doda.


By violating the traffic rules a number of drivers indulge into overloading in their vehicles. Some passengers claim that due to shortage of public transport services they are forced to travel in over-loaded buses. Sometimes people die or get injured in road accidents.


The drive by traffic police against over- loading was appreciated by people. Such a drive should not remain an occasional affair. It must be a permanent practice across Jammu and Kashmir. The traffic police must be strengthened through man power and other required measures to strictly implement the road safety rules and prevent mishaps.


Otherwise there will be over-loading and road accidents. The concerned authorities must also see to it that if the over-loading is really due to shortage of public transport services, this issue too must be addressed.


Adequate number of buses and cab services must be made to the commuters so that they do not face such problems. If there is no such shortage but passengers prefer to travel in over-loaded buses or cabs without waiting for the next vehicle, then such behavious must be given up.


Awareness campaigns must be also run by the concerned departments to educate people not to travel in over-loaded buses, and not to risk their lives. Most accidents occur due to negligence of drivers. They violate traffic rules and cause accidents.


Sometimes bad condition of roads also leads to mishaps. The condition of roads particularly in the accident prone areas must be made better.

The concerned departments, transporters, drivers and people must play their respective roles. The passengers and drivers must act like responsible citizens.
