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NC charts new course for assembly polls

To revamp approach after mixed parliamentary results
05:57 AM Jul 11, 2024 IST | ZAHOOR MALIK

Srinagar, July 10: After getting a mixed result of two wins and a defeat in parliamentary polls, the premier and oldest regional party, National Conference (NC), intends to go with a fresh strategy for assembly elections.

The changes in the earlier strategy have also become imperative for the party since assembly polls are a chance for it to get back political power and form a government or be part of a coalition government in Jammu and Kashmir after 10 years. Having ruled J&K for decades and led and given programmes to the masses for a long time, NC is now in the process of getting the feedback of people for its future line of action amid a changed electoral politics atmosphere. The party has sought suggestions from the masses for framing its assembly polls manifesto. It is also in the process of making some changes in its constitution and organisational structure.


The surprise and shocking defeat of NC Vice President Omar Abdullah in recent parliamentary polls is making the party review its earlier poll strategy (for Lok Sabha elections) and make changes accordingly for assembly polls.

There is a feeling now in some party circles that after the victory of Er Rashid, it has become clear that merely criticising the central government for its August 5, 2019 decisions, assuring people of safeguarding the J&K special identity and blaming Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for bringing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) into Kashmir cannot always get votes everywhere. The circles view that these issues undoubtedly can be repeated in assembly polls in a controlled way but other issues like that of the dramatic entry of Er Rashid into the Lok Sabha electoral fray, his sweeping wave and subsequent victory too need to be addressed for future. Addressing the issues well in advance before those become a decisive factor against NC in assembly elections is a much-needed requirement now for the party. According to them, the Er Rashid factor did not happen out of the blue and besides the massive public support for him, there were some kind of blessings from some influential quarters at some levels. These blessings for other such candidates in assembly polls can be more problematic for NC, they feel.


NC leadership will also have to be mentally prepared for a scenario after assembly polls if no party gets an absolute majority and if NC wins more seats than others in Kashmir and BJP more in Jammu. What can be done for the government formation in such a scenario? Will NC and BJP join hands to form a coalition government?

Just before the parliamentary polls, NC President Dr Farooq Abdullah during a media briefing had stated that his party will contest the Lok Sabha and assembly polls solo. He had not even ruled out NC rejoining the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) after the elections. However, on the same day, Omar immediately came for “damage control.” He told the media that NC and Congress will jointly contest the parliamentary polls. He categorically ruled NC’s rejoining NDA. Dr Farooq Abdullah did not contest due to health reasons and Omar fully led his party's strategy and campaign in parliamentary polls and himself contested from Baramulla and lost.

Recently, when after the NC Working Group’s meeting Omar was asked by media persons about any possibility of an assembly poll alliance with Congress, he said any decision about it will be taken by Dr Farooq Abdullah, who has been authorised by the party to do so. Omar’s statement reflects two important developments. First that, unlike parliamentary polls, Dr Farooq Abdullah can play a more prominent role for his party in assembly elections. Given his rich and vast political experience and a better understanding of J&K and national-level politics, his views and strategy can mostly guide NC in assembly elections and in post-election time. Secondly, the NC President may not like to go for an electoral alliance with Congress. Some reports doing rounds in political circles say that recently during NC meetings, some party men opposed an electoral alliance with Congress saying that such a combination does not benefit their party in elections. If reports are to be believed then NC President is said to have told his party men during a recent meeting that all options are open for NC since “our party is being liked by others also including those behind the BJP.”

For the last several years, Dr Farooq Abdullah and his party have been severely criticised by the BJP on various issues. They are being accused of promoting dynasty rule and pushing J&K to all kind of mess due to wrong policies during their rule. NC President in particular is being criticised for favouring a dialogue with Pakistan. After some recent attacks he has taken a tougher stand against Pakistan telling it to stop terrorism in J&K. According to him if any dialogue has to take place it should be for ending the terrorism here.
