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Navigating Challenges

Despite  low salaries in private schools  teachers play a crucial role in shaping academic success of our children 
12:58 AM Feb 26, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
navigating challenges

Aaqib Rashid Shah


In the realm of education, the role of private teachers is pivotal in shaping the academic success and prospects of students. These dedicated professionals often go above and beyond to provide personalized guidance and foster a deep understanding of subjects. In the realm of private education, the role of teachers is undeniably pivotal in shaping the academic trajectory of students. However, a significant challenge looms over the educational landscape – the issue of low salaries for these dedicated educators. Despite facing financial constraints, teachers in private schools continue to play a crucial role in fostering academic excellence and guiding students toward success. Since we are seeing that the results of the private schools are better than the government schools. Private teachers, despite their commitment and passion for education, frequently find themselves navigating financial constraints. A salary of  mere 4 to 6 thousand, in many cases, falls significantly short of meeting their basic needs, let alone allowing for a comfortable lifestyle. As educators juggle their responsibilities both inside and outside the classroom, it becomes evident that substantial compensation is not just a luxury but a necessity. Despite facing financial constraints, teachers in private schools continue to play a crucial role in fostering academic excellence and guiding students toward success.


  1. Academic Facilitators: They serve as academic facilitators, ensuring that students receive a solid foundation in various subjects, despite the challenges posed by limited resources.
  2. Innovative Teaching Approaches: Teachers in private schools often find innovative ways to navigate resource limitations.
  3. Personalized Attention: They tailor their teaching approaches to address individual learning styles, ensuring that students receive the support they need to excel academically.

4.Mentorship and Guidance: Offering mentorship and guidance that goes beyond the academic realm, contributing to the overall development of the students.


  1. Maximizing Limited Resources: They find cost-effective ways to create a conducive learning environment, utilizing available materials to create impactful lessons and activities.

6.Advocacy for Education Quality: They may collaborate with school administrations, parents, and communities to highlight the importance of investing in education and improving the working conditions of teachers.


  1. Professional Development on a Budget: They seek affordable learning opportunities, attend workshops, and engage in self-directed learning to stay updated on the latest teaching methodologies and educational trends.

Whether they work in public or private institutions, instructors play a universally important role in the field of education. But when it comes to pay, there's usually a stark difference—government instructors are paid way more than their private school colleagues. Important considerations concerning the worth of educators in the private sector and the requirement for equitable acknowledgement through competitive pay are brought up by this disparity. Here I have added some of the challenges faced by Private school teachers as
1. Equalising the Impact: Teachers at government and private schools provide equal contributions to students' intellectual and personal growth. Given the influence that educators have on the development of future generations, it is critical to close the pay gap and recognise the hard work and commitment of private school instructors.
2. Merit and Dedication: Teachers at government schools are not the only ones who possess these qualities. Teachers in private schools, who frequently work in smaller settings with distinct obstacles, exhibit an exceptional dedication to their careers. In addition to rewarding their accomplishments, competitive pay would draw and keep the best personnel in the private education industry.
3. Ensuring Educational Equity: Paying private school teachers competitive wages is one approach to guarantee educational parity. It guarantees that, regardless of the school they attend, pupils will always have access to well-compensated and motivated instructors. As a result, the educational system is more equitable and inclusive.
4. Attracting and Retaining Talent: Attracting and keeping elite talent in private schools requires a competitive wage structure. Schools may develop a more stable and driven teaching staff by paying private school instructors according to their abilities, credentials, and commitment.
5. Investing in High-Quality Education: Competitive pay for instructors working in private schools is an investment in higher education standards. Teachers who get high compensation are more likely to use cutting-edge teaching techniques, participate in ongoing professional development, and enhance the learning environment for the benefit of both students and the larger educational community.
6. Motivation and Job Happiness: Teachers at private schools, like those in public schools, find motivation and job happiness in being treated with respect and receiving a fair wage. Paying them fairly rewards their efforts and helps to create a culture of excellence in education by creating happy work.


In addition to addressing financial equity, the demand for competitive pay for private school instructors affirms the value of educators in all educational contexts. It's time to provide teachers with equal recognition and salary to create a more just and prosperous educational environment. The call to pay handsome salaries for private teachers is not just a plea for financial recognition; it is a demand for a fair and equitable educational landscape. As we acknowledge the invaluable contributions of private teachers, we must take tangible steps to bridge the financial gap that impedes their ability to thrive in their profession.


Aaqib Rashid Shah, Research Scholar Physics NIT Srinagar.

