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Moving Beyond Sentiments

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping society
12:00 AM May 24, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor

As the electoral season methods, political events find themselves at an essential juncture. Their manifestos serve as blueprints for governance, outlining priorities and techniques. In this manifesto, we highlight key areas that demand attention, urging parties to articulate their vision with clarity and foresight.

A Threat to Society


Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping society. In the context of Jammu & Kashmir, inspiring teens to unite against terrorism and radicalism is paramount. Parties should advise for open speech, empathy, and expertise. However, powerful management is going beyond rhetoric—it involves addressing root causes. Social inequality, lack of opportunities, and alienation gasoline radicalization. Let's decide on comprehensive techniques that dismantle those breeding grounds. While security features are critical, fostering an surroundings of peace and stability is equally important.

A Misguided Notion


Political campaigns frequently make promises, a few grandiose and others grounded in reality. However, one difficulty sticks out: Article 370. While tempting to apply this constitutional provision as a marketing campaign tool, events have to tread cautiously. Reviving Article 370 is an unrealistic dream, and its resurrection ought to no longer be used to sway citizens. Instead, let's shift focus to an extra pragmatic difficulty—the legitimate call for statehood in Jammu & Kashmir.

The Legitimate Demand for Statehood

Jammu & Kashmir, with its tremendous ancient and cultural importance, yearns for statehood. Beyond mere administrative hurdles, statehood represents empowerment—a possibility for the people to shape their very own future. By granting statehood, events can liberate the place's ability for growth, improvement, and self-governance. Let's emphasise a peaceful and democratic way to obtain this aim, fostering a sense of identity and pride in the various region's populations.

Drugs, as a Major Issue

Communities throughout Jammu & Kashmir are grappling with drug abuse—an insidious epidemic that erodes lives. Compassion and realism must guide our approach. Parties should formulate regulations that embody prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and damage discounts. However, community involvement—neighbors assisting neighbors—is critical.

Let's create a safety net that catches those slipping through the cracks, providing wish and restoration.

Natural Calamities and Sustainable Development

Nature, each benevolent and fierce, shapes our future. Parties need to prioritize proactive measures to mitigate the impact of natural disasters. Investing in resilient infrastructure, early warning structures, and disaster preparedness plans is crucial. However, sustainable development goes beyond disaster response—it is approximately balancing economic boom with environmental stewardship. Let's tread lightly, harmonizing boom with conservation. After all, a rich Jammu & Kashmir needs to now not come at the price of our planet's properly-being.


While electioneering, let's now not lose sight of important topics. Political parties need to interact with the citizens meaningfully, imparting concrete plans in preference to empty promises. By addressing statehood, counterterrorism, drug abuse, natural calamities, and sustainable development, events can lay the muse for a strong future—one that resonates with the aspirations of Jammu & Kashmir.

By Mukarabeen Shafi, a law graduate and an aspiring candidate for the UPSC.
