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Power woes

More power generation, backup transmission plan needed
12:00 AM May 02, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
power woes

In view of the emerging grim power scenario there is a need to generate more power in Kashmir to meet the increasing demand. Reports say that no significant headway has been made to complete the already announced hydroelectric power projects. These projects must be completed speedily and more such projects also established.

According to reports the transmission lines importing power to Kashmir via Peer Top (Jawahar Tunnel) have been taken out of service because of the damage caused to the infrastructure including towers due to sinking of land in Ramban district. Kashmir is now getting 300 MW of power through a transmission line via Mughal Road.

The local generation is insufficient to meet the demand. Around 700 to 900 MW are procured from NHPC and JKPDC projects in Kashmir. The Jammu and Kashmir Power Trading Corporation Limited (JKPTCL) authorities have recently informed that in case of some disruption occurring in Mughal Road transmission line then the whole supply to Kashmir from Northern Grid will get snapped. It told consumers not to panic since such a situation is unlikely, though not impossible.


The corporation emphasised the need for contingency plans stating essential services must have backup plans in place to address any potential issues arising from this situation.


There is also a need to generate more power in Kashmir and to have more transmission lines which can bring power to Kashmir from northern grid. There is also a requirement for a robust backup plan. The power generation at local level must get more preference. Jammu and Kashmir has enormous potential for hydroelectric power generation.


This potential was not fully tapped. Earlier, successive governments too are responsible for it. They were not serious enough in increasing the power generation. Not many power projects were established. Subsequently the J&K had to depend on purchased power from outside. Sometimes there is serious power crisis as more power is not purchased. The authorities must take steps to buy more power from outside whenever there is a need. The consumers must not suffer. That is in a nutshell.


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