Local Medicinal Practices
In presence of highly advanced allopathic system and high tech medical lab facilities, speaking about the traditional system of medical practices looks irrelevant to many of my friends. Indeed, in a highly advanced scientific age, one would hardly think about the local traditional medical clinics.
But perhaps very few people know that even in this modern scientific age the local hakeem, vaid and spiritual clinics have not been fully closed down. There are several such clinics functioning in the distant corners, where long queues of patients are still seen waiting. Indeed its popularity has declined to a large extent, but has not disappeared altogether. The local orthopedic clinics, watun gur, run mostly by local Kashmiri Pundits and Muslim Sheikhs at distant places is the first preference for such patients. Similarly the spiritual healing centers maintained by local Muslim peers and Pundits attract many people. Besides there are few diseases, which often get treated by traditional methods.
The local vaids make a mixture of few local herbs and paste it over the surface of abscess thus treat it. Similarly Kolveth (a flower plant) mixed with local Kashmiri tea and is helpful in curing headache. Brari Gass is known to cure many stomach related disorders. Similarly, Goa Zaban is used for cardio-vascular diseases. Tethwan has also got the similar effect, besides it is also used for removing belly worms from minors. In fact these local clinical methods and locally produced medicines suited the local environment and culture.
In fact this land, besides other things, is also known for its rich spiritual and flora culture. Its environment and atmosphere has always been favorable for the rich growth of spiritual saints, natural herbs and flowers. The local herbs have been found useful by the local herbalists and are usually used for treating various diseases.
The local herbalists and hakeems were very much confident about the efficacy of the locally available herbs and conducted extensive researches in the science of local medicines. In this context mention may be made of Shri Butta, Kaspura Bhat, Muma Hakeem, Rasool Hakeem, Siraju-din, Lasa Bhat and scores of local healers who were widely appreciated during their times for their treatment and understanding of the science of herbs. In our folklore the curious legends are recorded about medical and spiritual miracles performed by local healers.
Though our own system of medicine has a glorious past, revolutionary breakthrough in the allopathic system of medicine has badly affected this traditional system. Indeed the traditional medicines did not have side effects. On many occasions we have seen that despite heavy dosage of medicine patients don’t get cured. Many a time people get addicted to medicines, something that is serious. The addictive nature of few modern day medicines coupled with their inefficacy in curing diseases motivates people to rely on the traditional system of medicine. Besides, the local method of medical therapy is less expensive.
Lawrence, the 20th century European traveler, in his monumental book, The Valley of Kashmir, has also classified and documented a number of herb plants, he writes. “the Hakeems of Kashmir, the native physicians, attribute some property to every plant and when I made enquires as to various herbs which I have seen in the valley and hillsides, I am always told that they are hot and good for cold humors, damp and beneficial to dry humors. The Punjabies employed in my deportments usually inclined to despise all Kashmiri methods, show great respect for the Hakeems and have told me of wonderful cures affected by the herbs of the valley”.
He then gives a long list of medicinal herbs. He makes mention of about 95 such herb plants which he says were used by local Hakeems and even by senior and experienced elders in their families. A number of herbs which included Thwin Kot, Nar-Mada were exported to places like Delhi, Mumbai, Lahore and Amritsar where from these were sent abroad.
Even in these allopathic ages, the local system of healing has not been altogether forgotten. The practice is still carried in the distant corners of this land. As such there is vast scope still left for local medicines, to be promoted and experimented on, for curing minor disorders. The application of the traditional system of medicine will help us ward off many an ailment provided experienced herbalists come forward with the right knowledge.
Natural medicines if used under guidance of experienced herbalist can cure ailments. The traditional system of medicine has a very good track record and has proved beneficial for the poor patients. The local hakeems and herbalist who have got knowledge of local herbs and are well aware of their characteristics shall come forward and share the knowledge with others and help this land and its people to revive local system of medical practices.
The writer is a Senior Archaeologist and Author