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JKCSF appeals for release of jailed MP Er Rashid

Upholding the dignity and rights of all individuals is essential for fostering trust in the legal and democratic institutions of the country, the statement said
03:11 PM Feb 04, 2025 IST | GK Web Desk
jkcsf appeals for release of jailed mp er rashid
JKCSF appeals for release of jailed MP Er Rashid

Srinagar, Feb 04: The Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum (JKCSF) Chairman Abdul Qayoom Wani, today made a firm appeal for the release of jailed MP Er Rashid, an elected Member of Parliament, so that he can fulfill his constitutional duty of representing the people who have placed their trust in him.

The JKCSF in a statement said that democracy thrives when elected representatives are allowed to voice the concerns of their constituents in legislative bodies. Preventing an MP from attending Parliament not only denies him his rights but also suppresses the voice of the people who elected him, it said.

The statement also said that in every vibrant democracy, the legitimacy of governance is drawn from the participation of elected representatives. The people of Er Rashid’s constituency have exercised their democratic right and placed their faith in him, expecting him to raise their issues at the national level. His absence from Parliament weakens the democratic framework and leaves his constituents without representation in crucial policy decisions. Therefore, we earnestly request the authorities to facilitate his participation in Parliament in accordance with democratic principles.


Furthermore, JKCSF urged the administration to expedite the legal review of all political detainees, ensuring that justice is neither delayed nor denied. It also appealed for the humanitarian relocation of ailing prisoners, elderly detainees, and women inmates to Srinagar jails, allowing them access to medical care and family visits.


Upholding the dignity and rights of all individuals is essential for fostering trust in the legal and democratic institutions of the country, the statement said.


Chairman JKCSF Abdul Qayoom Wani strongly believes that a democracy prospers when every elected voice is heard, justice is delivered in time, and human dignity is protected. We trust that the concerned authorities will take necessary steps in the spirit of democracy, justice, and humanity to address these concerns, the statement said.

