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J&K witnesses rise in crimes against women

11,000 cases registered between 2020 and 2022: NCRB report
02:48 AM Dec 05, 2023 IST | Rabiya Bashir

Srinagar, Dec 4: Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed a concerning rise in crimes against women, with over 11,000 cases registered between 2020 and 2022, according to the latest Crime in India Report released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

Despite a marginal dip from 3937 cases in 2021, J&K recorded 3716 crimes against women in 2022, significantly higher than the 3405 cases in 2020.


Kidnapping and abduction of women emerged as a major concern, with a staggering 886 cases reported in 2022.

Additionally, 462 cases were linked to kidnapping and abduction with the intent of forced marriage, and six cases involving human trafficking.


Rape cases also remained alarming, with 287 incidents recorded in 2022.

Of these cases, 276 involved offenders were known to the victim, indicating the prevalence of intimate partner violence.

The report further revealed that 3214 cases of assault on women with intent to outrage their modesty were registered in 2022, while 34 cases fell under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.

Cyber crimes against women also saw an increase, with 54 cases reported in 2022.

Despite these troubling statistics, the Police disposal of crimes against women in J&K in 2022 paints a complex picture.

Of the 5667 total cases for investigation, 1929 cases were pending investigation from the previous year. Furthermore, 22 cases were reopened for investigation, underscoring the challenges in resolving these cases.

Vasundhara Pathak Masoodi, former chairperson of the J&K State Commission for Women while talking to Greater Kashmir expressed deep concern over the stark increase in crimes against women in the region.

"Cases of gender-based violence such as rape, murder, dowry deaths, suicides, sexual offences at workplaces, and acid attacks have amplified unabashedly in J&K. The numbers underscore a pressing need for quick and steady introspection and redressal to safeguard the well-being of women in the region,” she said.

Expressing concern over the justice system, Masoodi said, "Where such cases have witnessed a sharp rise, per contra, the conviction rate is relatively very low. A low conviction rate emboldens the abusers, as they feel that anyone can get away with such cases, given that convictions hardly take place."

She said that people were spending insanely on wedding functions and dowry items to ensure the well-being of their daughters in their matrimonial homes which is backfiring in many cases.

“As the demands of the husband’s family keep recurring and they don’t seem to be content with anything. Finally, the girls are either sent back to their parental homes or killed or the girls commit suicide. Lack of awareness in such cases plays a pivotal role. I hope the J&K administration rolls up its sleeves and swings into imminent action to curb violence against women in Jammu and Kashmir,” she said.

As per the NCRB, the number of registered cases of crimes against women rose 4 percent to 445,256 in 2022 as compared to 428,278 in 2021 across India.

In the metro cities, with a population of over two million, the increase in such crimes was steeper at 12.3 percent to 48,755 in 2022.

Among the states, Uttar Pradesh reported the highest number of crimes against women at 65,743 and among the Union Territories, Delhi reported the highest number of crimes against women at 14,247.
