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J&K Public Servants Declaration of Assets Rules amended

08:35 AM Jan 11, 2022 IST | SHUCHISMITA
j amp k public servants declaration of assets rules amended

Jammu: All J&K public servants have been asked to “submit annual return in respect of all the assets possessed by them and their family members through online mode.”

This directive has been part of the amendments made in Jammu and Kashmir Public Servants Declaration of Assets and Other Provisions Rules, 1998 on Tuesday.

The amendments have been made by the government in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Jammu and Kashmir Public Men and Public Servants Declaration of Assets and Other Provisions Act, 1983.


In an amendment to Rule 3 of the Rules, sub-rule (1) has been substituted directing that every public servant will submit “annual return through online mode using the portal for the calendar year between January 1 and 31, of the next calendar year, in respect of all the assets possessed by him and his family members.”


This will include the assets in respect of movable property, the value of which exceeds his two months basic salary in each case,


giving full particulars regarding “cash balance, saving bank deposits, shares, cash certificates, fixed deposits, debentures, security bond; jeweIlery or ornaments and households items (electric and electronic items only).”


In the amended rules, sub-rule (2) will be omitted.


Another amendment was made with regard to “restriction to acquire and transfer of movable property” to Rule 4 of the Rules.

Under the amended rule, every public servant will bring to the notice of the prescribed authority the acquisition or transfer of movable property where the “value of such property exceeds his two months basic salary in each case.”