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Jaundice outbreak in Shopian

Immediate steps needed to prevent further spread
12:00 AM Feb 01, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
jaundice outbreak in shopian

Ten children at Pahnoo village in Shopian district are suffering from jaundice.


Villagers say that the unsafe drinking water is the cause behind the outbreak of the disease. The residents of neighbouring Pehlipora and Wootarpora have also alleged supply of unsafe drinking water in their villages.


They have expressed concern over the spread of jaundice and demanded measures to prevent the spread. More medical teams must be sent to the village and adjoining areas for taking samples.


The affected persons must be provided necessary treatment and advice. The Jal Sakhti Department too must look into the allegation of the residents that they are not provided safe drinking water. Steps must be taken so that the villages get safe water supply.


Till the time the safe drinking water can not be provided through taps, the water tankers must be utilised. According to officials of the Jal Shakti Department the local filtration plant is under construction. According to them once the plant is constructed, the problem of contaminated water will get resolved.


It is being hoped that the construction work is speedily completed and the areas get safe drinking water. Till the solution of the problem, the people of Pahnoo, Pehlipora and Wootarpora must heed the advice of health experts and use safe water only for drinking purpose. They must boil the water if it is not safe. Contaminated and unsafe water must not be used.


Otherwise, the jaundice would spread further in the areas. Several areas of Shopian district have been witnessing the outbreak of jaundice for last few years. Dozens of persons had fallen ill also. At that time the medical teams and local authorities took measures and the spread of the disease was controlled later.


It is now being hoped that steps are taken at Pahnoo village also so that other residents remain safe from the ailment.

Not only in Shopian villages but at other places also in Jammu and Kashmir, where the people do not have access to safe drinking water, such steps are needed.
