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It’s still loading

We are still far away from seeing a true democracy operational in the world
11:41 PM Apr 19, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
it’s still loading

Khurshid Bhat


Democracy is of the people, for the people and by the people. But we must not accept something just because it is famous or because everyone accepts it. The biggest barrier to Democracy is Democracy itself. This fact has been elucidated by history of the struggle for democracy in many parts of the world. In 1970, Salvador Allende became elected president of Chile and democracy was running smoothly till 1973. But the democratic nation of USA did not like the policy decisions of Allende which were truly democratic in nature. Consequently, USA supported and funded the activities that led to coup-de-tat by General Augusto Pinochet. The military coup by General Al Sisi against an elected president with the help of democratic nations of Europe and monarchies of Arabia reveals the fact that forbearers and fore-runners of democracy are strong enemies of democracy.


The crux of democracy is to preserve and protect the rights of multi-parties and multi-religious communities in a nation. The founder of National League for Democracy and Fight for Democracy in Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi tarnished the basic feature of democracy by not taking an initiative to pressurise the communal forces to stop the massacre of helpless minorities. Doesn’t Myanmar remember the days of 1962 when 6 to 10 lakh people were uprooted from their homes taking shelter elsewhere due to coercive policies of the military rule? What is the difference between democracy and communism, democracy and dictatorship, democracy and autocracy when every system and ideology is taking full advantage of fair and foul opportunities to arouse anger and hatred among a majority against a minority. If Poland was guided by Soviet Union to maintain the rule of One-Party (Communist Party) in 1980’s, what happened to Democratic Ghana in late 1960’s. Is not it the handiwork of democratic country of Britain and America?


The modern democracy started its emergence in Glorious Revolution of 1688 (England), American War of Independence (1776) and French Revolution of 1789. But is not it a strange fact that New Zealand became the first country in the world to grant universal adult franchise in 1893. Democracy is actually ‘off’ the people, ‘far’ the people and ‘buy’ the people. It was ‘off’ the black people of U.S.A who couldn’t exercise the right to vote until 1965. It is ‘off’ the people living in different countries of the world who still face the stigma of racism. Fuhrer (Dictator) was using the delicate and affectionate words like Special Treatment to eliminate the undesirable people of Germany but nowadays the so called democratic harbingers publicly using nasty, communal and undemocratic words to reveal the fact that have nots (Minorities, Black People, Low Castes and Religious adherents) have no place to live in democratic countries. The Sri Lankan Tamils (Minority) struggled very much for their democratic rights which were subdued and crushed by Sinhalese (Majority). Interestingly, the democratic government of India supported dictatorship of majority in Sri-Lanka.


Democracy is’ far’ the people because no doubt people possess the right to caste their vote but not on the basis of their choice, as sometimes election are rigged. Democracy is ‘buy’ the people as iunethical means are used to buy votes. Where has gone the true Democracy?


If reduction of inequality and poverty are the outcomes of democracy, why are then poor becoming poorer and rich becoming richer? Why inequalities are increasing on the basis of sex, religion, race and colour in democratic countries?


Does not it shows the fact that democracy is still loading and will never be operational due to the virus found in itself.


Khurshid Bhat, History Teacher in Mantaqi Memorial Waqf Higher Secondary School, Awantipora.
