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It poses a risk

The construction work on the bridges must be speedily completed
12:00 AM May 15, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
it poses a risk

Reports say that the construction work on a bridge over a nallah at Trikolbal in Pattan was started in 2017, but the work has not been completed yet;  it has been left almost halfway in 2019. The local residents said that the matter was brought into the notice of concerned officials a number of times but no headway was made.

According to them they face lot of problems in absence of the bridge. The people there have to go for work in the fields and orchards on the other side of the nallah. Even the children going to school face the problem.

They have to cover a lot of distance before reaching the other side of the nallah. Sometimes the wooden planks are placed over the nallah for crossing it, but it is very risky. The residents have demanded resumption of the construction work on the incomplete bridge.


The concerned authorities must resume the work without any further delay so that the problem of local people is solved at the earliest.


It is not about the Trikolbal bridge only. All such incomplete bridges must be completed. Since the water level has increased in rivers and nallahs, mishaps can occur in absence of the bridges. Several people lost lives as a boat recently capsized in river Jhelum at Gandbal in Srinagar.


The construction work on a bridge was lingering on for years together due to the slow pace of work. After the public outcry the work on the bridge was resumed and authorities say it would be completed soon. The authorities should complete the work on bridges speedily in other areas also. They should not start the work and then abandon.


The deadlines must be met. The officials should not wait for the mishaps to occur. The works for public welfare must be a priority for the authorities. The official procedures and releasing of funds for such works must be simplified.


The work done on the ground should be properly monitored and inspected to ensure the quality work. However, easing the difficulties faced by the people must be a priority. Responsive and sympathetic approach by the officials to the genuine demands of people is a must for any efficient governance.