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Intergenerational Bonding

08:17 AM Oct 21, 2023 IST | Guest Contributor
intergenerational bonding

I am compelled to write this piece in response to your article on the invaluable role that grandparents play in our lives. As a current postgraduate student, I reflect on my own experiences growing up, particularly the love and affection I received from my grandfather.


My grandfather held a special place in my heart, showering me with love and care that I will forever cherish. His gestures of love were numerous, and one that stands out vividly is when he gifted me a pair of beautiful golden earrings to celebrate the occasion of my ear-piercing. It was a moment filled with warmth and affection, one that should have been universally acknowledged and celebrated.


However, I found myself in a perplexing situation as my mother, for reasons I still do not fully comprehend, did not acknowledge my grandfather’s heartfelt gift. She expressed that it was unnecessary, despite accepting similar presents from my maternal grandmother. This dissonance between my grandparents’ love and my parents’ response left me puzzled and, at times, hurt.


My experience is not isolated. I’ve conversed with many friends who have shared similar stories of love from their grandparents, only to witness their parents reacting in a manner that seemed inexplicable. It’s a perplexing dynamic, one that has puzzled us and left us wondering why the love from one set of grandparents is celebrated while the other is met with indifference.


It is essential for both parents and grandparents to understand that children’s minds are impressionable, and such contrasting reactions can leave a lasting impact. We, as children, often find ourselves caught in the crossfire of unresolved family dynamics.


This leads me to an important plea: please, let us shield our children from these emotional complexities. Children need love, care, and guidance from all the significant adults in their lives without any reservations. It is crucial that we maintain an environment of positivity and love, devoid of any divisive sentiments.


In many cases, I have observed parents seeking information from their children regarding their relationships with their grandparents, only to use it as ammunition in intergenerational conflicts. This practice only perpetuates misunderstandings and hurts the very individuals who deserve nothing but our affection.


Instead, let us focus on fostering healthy relationships and open communication channels within our families. Grandparents offer invaluable life experiences, wisdom, and love that contribute to a child’s holistic development. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that these relationships flourish without the interference of biases or misunderstandings.

Sumaya, PG student from Kashmir
