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Indigo flight makes emergency landing after bomb threat

This alarming incident marks the second bomb threat involving an IndiGo flight within a week. Just days earlier, on May 28, a flight from Varanasi to Delhi had also received a similar threat
01:18 PM Jun 01, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE
indigo flight makes emergency landing after bomb threat
Indigo flight makes emergency landing after bomb threat --- Representational Photo

Srinagar, June 01: An IndiGo flight traveling from Chennai to Mumbai made an emergency landing on Saturday following a bomb threat. The aircraft, carrying 172 passengers, touched down at approximately 8:45 am under "full emergency" conditions. Passengers disembarked safely using a step ladder.


This alarming incident marks the second bomb threat involving an IndiGo flight within a week. Just days earlier, on May 28, a flight from Varanasi to Delhi had also received a similar threat.


The pilot of the Chennai-Mumbai flight alerted Mumbai Air Traffic Control (ATC) about the potential threat, prompting the declaration of a full emergency. Following protocol, upon landing, the aircraft was directed to an isolation bay in accordance with security agency guidelines.


IndiGo confirmed the bomb threat, stating that upon landing in Mumbai, the crew followed security protocols. All passengers were safely evacuated from the aircraft, which is currently undergoing inspection. Once security checks are completed, the plane will be returned to the terminal area.

