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India's forex reserves decline USD 2 billion, come off record highs

12:17 AM Jun 03, 2024 IST | ANI
india s forex reserves decline usd 2 billion  come off record highs
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New Delhi, June 2: India's foreign exchange reserves declined a little over USD 2 billion in the week that ended on May 24, to come off from its all-time high it experienced a week prior. The reserves are now at USD 646.673 billion.

In the previous week, the reserves rose for the third straight week, by USD 4.549 billion to USD 648.700 billion, according to data shared by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In the process, they touched a fresh lifetime high.

Preceding those three weeks, the forex kitty had seen three consecutive weeks of decline. According to the latest data released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India's foreign currency assets (FCA), the biggest component of the forex reserves, declined by USD 1.510 billion to USD 567.499 billion.


Gold reserves during the week declined by USD 482 million to USD 56.713 billion. India's foreign exchange reserves are now sufficient to cover around 11 months of projected imports, according to a RBI report.


In the calendar year 2023, the RBI added about USD 58 billion to its foreign exchange kitty. In 2022, India's forex kitty slumped by USD 71 billion cumulatively. Foreign exchange reserves have risen about USD 28 billion, on a cumulative basis, in 2024 so far.

