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Increasing pollution badly affecting water bodies in Bhadarwah

02:49 AM Jan 15, 2024 IST | TAHIR NADEEM KHAN
increasing pollution badly affecting water bodies in bhadarwah

Bhadarwah Jan 14: The booming population along water bodies and absence of proper sewerage system are badly affecting the water bodies in Bhadarwah Valley.


Once known for crystal clear sweet water, half a dozen streams flowing are fast turning into stinking nallahs. All the garbage of the town including bio non- degradable waste beside human excrement is unabatedly being thrown into these water bodies.


Locals, religious bodies and environmentalists have been raising serious concerns over the increasing pollution. They allege that water bodies including sacred Neel Ganga (Neeru) river is getting polluted as human waste of hundreds of washrooms and bio non- degradable substances are being thrown in these water bodies.


Bhadarwah Valley is known for breath taking landscape and numerous fresh water bodies. Four streams including Puneja Nallah, Halian, Haloon and Hanga beside sacred Neel Ganga River also known as Neeru flow through the town.


Once being used for potable water and other purposes including irrigation of paddy fields, now these water bodies have got dangerously polluted.


Historic Gupta Ganga temple and Markazi Jamia Masjid are located on the banks of Neel Ganga River and Puneja Nallah simultaneously. But due to the alleged indifferent attitude of the authorities both these fresh water bodies have become stinking nallahs.


Religious bodies and environmentalists are demanding immediate corrective measures to save the water bodies . They demand initiating of strict action against the offenders.


"Ancient Shiv temple known as Gup Ganga, built by Pandavs is located on the bank of sacred Neel Ganga River and hundreds of pilgrims and tourists daily visit this historic temple and also take a dip in the sacred waters. But unfortunately it is being polluted and there is no one to stop them as administration is witnessing all this as mute spectators," said state Secretary of VHP Satish Kotwal.

"We have time and again requested the administration to do the needful but till now no concrete measure has been initiated to save the sanctity of the sacred Neel Ganga River," Kotwal added.

Environmentalists have also raised concerns over dangerous trends of polluting water bodies in hilly regions. They have warned that if corrective measures are not taken at the earliest, it can result into severe crisis.

"Water pollution has reached to a critical level because the pollution in water bodies has an extremely severe effect on the lives of aquatic animals and it totally leads to the disruption of aquatic ecosystems. Once heaven for different species of cold water fish these free flowing streams have turned into stinking toxic water bodies,’ said Tariq Pervaiz Shaphri, social worker and environmentalist from Bhadarwah town.

"The outbreak of repeated mysterious illness and water born diseases in Bhadarwah valley and the neighbouring areas of Doda district is a wake-up call on the increasing pollution levels in Neeru river and other water bodies in Bhadarwah. And it is high time the UT administration and Central governments takes steps to prevent water pollution to avoid health hazards,"said Rashid Choudhary, social activist from Bhadarwah town.

Meanwhile, administration has assured to take strict action after Doda Deputy Commissioner’s orders to book offenders under section 144.

"We tried to convince, educate and motivate people not to pollute water bodies but unfortunately no visible change has been witnessed in their attitude. Now we are left with no other option but to initiate strict action against the offenders, as taking cognizance district administration has already imposed section 144 to book all those who are floating the laws and polluting these water bodies," said ADC Bhadarwah Dilmir Choudhary.
