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Improve power scenario

After snowfall, power generation to go up
12:00 AM Feb 22, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
improve power scenario

The present power scenario must be improved. After the fresh snowfall in Kashmir, the power generation through hydroelectric power projects is expected to increase. Other required measures must be also taken for further improvement.

Right now the power curtailment programme continued to be strictly implemented across the Kashmir valley. Besides that, a number of areas particularly in rural belt are witnessing unscheduled power cuts, reports say.

There is a need to end these unscheduled power cuts and all areas be provided electricity as per the announced curtailment programme. Efforts should be made so that the curtailment schedule doesn't get over-stretched to coming months.


After the improvement in power, the curtailment schedule has to be revised. In fact there should not be any curtailment in coming months, when the local power generation will further improve. The purchasing of power from outside must continue. Otherwise there can be power crisis.


This winter serious power crisis were witnessed in the beginning, causing lot of inconvenience to consumers. The officials said that power generation got reduced due to prolonged dry spell resulting in decrease in water level of the rivers, where the power projects are established.


Later the power was purchased from outside providing some kind of relief. But the purchased power was not sufficient to meet the demand. Subsequently the power curtailment programme continued. It is not that curtailment was initiated this winter only.


This practice continues every year. But this winter the crisis worsened and besides the scheduled power cuts there were frequent unscheduled power cuts. Whatever be the reasons for that scenario, it is being hoped that such crisis do not re-emerge in future and all steps are taken to improve the power scenario.


The power generation has to be strengthened further with completing the incomplete projects speedily and establishing new power projects.

The huge potential for hydroelectric power must be utilised fully. This potential should not remain untapped. Jammu and Kashmir has to become self sufficient in power.

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