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Igniting the Flame

How Oxford of the East changed my life
12:00 AM Oct 17, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
igniting the flame

I remember the day vividly, the sun casting warm rays through the open window of my room in SS Hall South. I was lost in a world of uncertainty, burdened by the weight of expectations and the looming pressures of university life. That’s when Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) walked in, her vibrant spirit lighting up the space around her. “Why so serious?” she asked, plopping down beside me. AMU had a way of making the mundane feel magical, whether we were hanging out at the library canteen or studying late in the Moulana Azad.


Her laughter was contagious, a melody that danced in the air. As we talked, she began to share stories of her own struggles—how she had faced setbacks but always found a way to rise again. She wanted to illuminate the journey of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan when he started the Aligarh movement that paved the way to set up Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875, which later transformed into Aligarh Muslim University and Sir Syed’s earnest desire to review the glory bygone era for which he endeavored to establish a modern institution, believing that the scientific approach would help Muslims regain their position in the post-industrial revolution set up. AMU is the vivid sun on the geography of Aligarh.


The extensive AMU is not only a brainchild of some historic awakening but a revolution loading for over a century. The subcontinent is becoming more vibrant, which is a phenomenon in and of itself. It was a revelation for me, seeing her vulnerability.


“Life isn’t about never falling,” she said, her eyes sparkling with conviction. “It’s about how you get back up. You have to find your passion and chase it relentlessly.” Her words resonated deep within me, igniting a spark I thought had long been extinguished.


That afternoon, we sat together at our favorite Dhaba, brainstorming ideas for what I truly wanted to pursue. AMU listened intently, guiding me with her insightful questions. “Sheru Ki Chai” could not be traded with million dollars. In the buzz of Shamshhad market, holding a glass of tea, I began to uncover dreams I had buried under layers of self-doubt. It felt like peeling back the skin of an onion, revealing the essence of who I was meant to be.


“Let’s make a plan,” she said, pulling out a notebook. Together, we mapped out my goals—small, achievable steps leading to something greater. Amu was relentless in her encouragement, reminding me that every step forward, no matter how small, was worth celebrating. As the days turned into weeks, I found myself transforming. I enrolled in classes at the department I had once deemed too challenging, and with AMU’s unwavering support, I tackled each assignment/sessional with newfound determination. She was my cheerleader, always reminding me of my potential, pushing me to strive for excellence. There were moments of doubt, of course—nights spent tossing and turning in my hostel bed, questioning my choices. But AMU’s voice echoed in my mind, urging me to keep going. “Remember why you started,” she would say, and I would find my way back to that initial spark of inspiration.


Months later, standing on the stage in my department to present my project, I felt a rush of nerves and excitement. As I looked out into the audience, I spotted AMU, her encouraging smile giving me strength. I delivered my presentation with confidence, fueled by the belief she had instilled in me. When I finished, the applause was overwhelming. In that moment, I realized how much I had grown—not just academically, but personally. AMU had helped me rediscover my voice, my passions, and my resilience.


Reflecting on that journey, I understand that AMU didn’t just change my life; she shaped it. She taught me that vulnerability is not a weakness but a source of strength. It filled my life with an aura of Parisian romance. Through her guidance, I learned to embrace my dreams and face challenges head-on.  To this day, I carry her lessons with me. I strive to inspire others, just as she inspired me, believing that sometimes, all it takes is one person to ignite the fire within us. Amu was that person for me, and I am forever grateful for her presence in my life.

Basit Nabi Haroo, B.A Hons & M.A Political Science
