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How JKP turned tide against drug peddlers

This rate has soared to 54 percent in 2024, a substantial increase from just 23 percent in 2022
12:19 AM Jan 25, 2025 IST | MUKEET AKMALI
How JKP turned tide against drug peddlers___Gk photo

Srinagar, Jan 24: In a significant leap forward in the battle against drug trafficking, the Jammu and Kashmir Police, alongside various law enforcement agencies, reported a remarkable rise in the conviction rate of drug peddlers.

This rate has soared to 54 percent in 2024, a substantial increase from just 23 percent in 2022.


As per official figures accessed by Greater Kashmir, ANTF has conducted training for 2,737 officers in total, across the 20 districts.

“This training, intended to enhance the capacity of law enforcement agencies in putting together robust cases against drug culprits, has seen conviction rates improve steadily — from 23 percent in 2022 to 51 percent in 2023 and 54 percent last year,” said a senior official.


Another significant development reported was the attachment of illegal assets worth Rs 12.04 Cr in 2024 besides properties worth Rs 50 Cr were under attachment procedures to dismantle the financial structures of the drug trade.

Other measures include increased action against drug kingpins.

In all, 274 people have been booked under the Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (PIT NDPS) Act in 2024. This is more than the 270 people booked in 2023 and 195 in 2022.

Furthermore, officials spotlighted rigorous measures taken against personnel who violated regulations pertaining to drug offences. Disciplinary actions were reported against 15 civil employees from a total of 143 cases, 69 police personnel from 175 inquiries and 9 army personnel in 19 cases related to narcotics.

Official data reveals that 25,546 awareness programmes have been conducted in schools, colleges, and local communities. This is aimed at educating the public about the dire consequences of drug abuse and building a drug-free society.

The authorities have also started disciplinary action against 241 investigating officers for having conducted faulty investigations. Action also reflects accountability among the ranks of law enforcement.

Although these are indicators of a firm stand against drug trafficking in Jammu and Kashmir, the state is beset with grave problems.

As per the government statistics, about 14 lakh people are trapped by the use of drugs, which presents a serious challenge to public health and the well-being of society at large.

Of over 14.09 lakh people, all aged between 10 and 75 years, estimated to be consuming psychoactive substances in J&K, around 5.4 lakh people indulged in abusing opioids, around 4.20 lakh had alcohol, while 1.4 lakh indulged in the consumption of cannabis and 1.35 lakh through inhaling things.

The landscape of substance abuse in the region has shifted notably, with opium and its derivatives now dominating over 90 percent of the cases. Researchers from the Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS), Kashmir, estimate that nearly three out of every 100 adults in Kashmir are dependent on contraband substances, primarily focusing on opium and its derivatives.

