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How Focusing on Journey Can Lead to Greater Happiness and Wealth

Unlocking True Wealth: 10 Powerful Lessons to Achieve Happiness, Financial Freedom, and Time Balance
12:21 AM Oct 21, 2024 IST | GK CORRESPONDENT
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In our pursuit of success, wealth, and happiness, we often find ourselves looking far ahead, setting goals, and envisioning a future where everything finally falls into place. However, in doing so, we tend to overlook the importance of the present moment—the journey itself. What if the secret to true wealth and happiness is not in the destination but in how we live every day? Here is a 10-step guide to help you shift your focus from merely achieving future goals to enjoying the process and finding happiness and wealth in your daily journey.

Unlocking True Wealth: 10 Powerful Lessons to Achieve Happiness, Financial Freedom, and Time Balance


In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves on an endless chase for more money, success, and happiness. However, as we strive to fill our lives with these things, we often find ourselves feeling more stressed, less fulfilled, and chronically short on time. However, what if the key to a truly rich life lies not in how much we have but in how we live? The following ten lessons have taught me that true wealth is not just about accumulating money but also about finding happiness and balance along the way.

  1. Focus on the Journey, Not the Destination

It's easy to get caught in the cycle of constantly striving for the next financial milestone—whether it is earning a certain amount, buying a home, or hitting a career-high. However, through my own experience and those of my clients, I have learned that real happiness lies in the journey toward these goals.


One senior executive I coached had always tied his happiness to achieving his next big goal. He always said, "Once I get that promotion, I will finally have time to relax," or "When I save enough money, I will be happy." Nevertheless, when those milestones were reached, he found the satisfaction was fleeting. It was not until he began to enjoy the process—finding joy in his day-to-day activities, like mentoring a junior colleague or taking short breaks to enjoy a walk in the park—that he felt a more profound sense of fulfilment.

This shift in perspective teaches us that life is made up of moments, not milestones. When we focus on the journey, we start seeing the wealth of experiences around us—moments of laughter with loved ones, the satisfaction of a job well done, or even the pleasure of a quiet evening at home. By focusing on the journey, we start to see that time is our most valuable asset, and happiness is something we can create in the now, not just in the future.

  1. Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance. In a world that constantly bombards us with messages that we need more—more money, more success, more things—it can be easy to overlook the wealth we already possess. I remember when I first started my financial planning practice; I was so focused on growing my client base that I did not take the time to appreciate the clients I already had.

A mentor suggested I start a daily gratitude practice, and reluctantly, I began writing down three things I was grateful for each day. At first, it felt trivial, but slowly, I started to see the impact. I began to appreciate the simple things—a kind word from a client, the support of my family, and even the quiet moments between meetings. This shift in perspective did not just make me feel happier and a better advisor because I started focusing on the value I was already creating rather than constantly striving for more.

Gratitude reminds us that wealth is not just about money; it is about recognizing the value in what we already have. When we practice Gratitude regularly, we start to feel richer in time, relationships, and experiences—an essential component of true happiness.

  1. Simplify Your Life

We live in a world that equates busyness with productivity, but simplifying your life can be one of the most effective ways to increase happiness and financial freedom. One client, a successful entrepreneur, was always overwhelmed by her schedule. She managed multiple businesses, attended numerous social events, and tried to keep up with her family obligations. Despite her financial success, she was constantly stressed and had little time for herself.

Together, we examined her priorities and began the process of decluttering—not just her physical environment but also her commitments and mental space. She learned to say no to things that did not align with her core values. She simplified her schedule to make room for activities that mattered, like spending time with her children or engaging in a hobby that brought her joy. As she simplified, she discovered more time, less stress, and greater happiness.

This lesson taught me that money cannot buy time, but simplifying our lives can help us spend our time wisely. We make space for happiness, peace, and meaningful experiences by focusing on what truly matters.

  1. Invest in Relationships

No matter how much money we have, our happiness often depends on the quality of our relationships. I once worked with a wealthy client who felt utterly lonely despite her financial success. She had spent years building her career but had neglected her personal connections along the way. Her turning point came when she decided to prioritize relationships over professional achievements.

She began by reconnecting with old friends, joining a local community group, and spending more time with her family. She even started a tradition of Sunday dinners at her home, bringing together loved ones for a simple meal. Gradually, she found that these investments in relationships were far more rewarding than any financial gain. She felt more supported and happier and even found renewed purpose in her professional life.

Money can buy a lot, but it cannot buy the joy of shared laughter, the comfort of a friend's support, or the warmth of family. Investing in relationships pays dividends in ways that enrich our time and happiness, making our lives truly wealthy.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations

Many of us set expectations so high that we set ourselves up for disappointment. I have worked with countless individuals who have found themselves frustrated because their lives do not measure up to an idealized version in their minds. A couple I coached was constantly stressed because they believed they needed to have a "perfect" family life, a "perfect" home, and "perfect" careers to be happy.

We started working on setting more realistic expectations. They began to focus on progress, not perfection and learned to appreciate small wins along the way. They realized that happiness does not come from achieving some ideal state but from embracing imperfections, learning from them, and growing together.

Time is finite, and setting more realistic expectations allows us to spend it more wisely, celebrating the moments of joy and progress rather than dwelling on what could have been.

  1. Find Meaning and Purpose

True happiness often comes from living a meaningful life. I once had a client who was a high-earning executive but felt deeply unfulfilled. We explored her passions and values, and she realized that while her job provided financial security, it did not align with her desire to help others.

She began volunteering at a local shelter and later transitioned into a role that combined her professional skills with her passion for social impact. Although it was a pay cut, she found it to be the best "investment" she had ever made. She felt happier, more balanced, and more at peace.

Finding meaning does not always mean changing careers; it can be as simple as finding ways to align your daily activities with your core values. When your time, money, and efforts go toward something that feels meaningful, happiness naturally follows.

  1. Practice Acts of Kindness

Generosity is one of the most fulfilling uses of both time and money. I have seen clients who feel stuck or unhappy find incredible joy in giving to others. One story that comes to mind is a retired gentleman who felt lost after leaving his long-time job. He began volunteering his time and skills to mentor young professionals in his field.

Not only did he find renewed purpose, but his acts of kindness opened up new relationships and opportunities he never imagined. Kindness has a way of multiplying—when you give, you often receive even more in return. The simple act of helping someone can create a profound sense of fulfilment, making you realize that wealth is not just about what you have but what you can give.

  1. Develop Resilience

Life's journey is filled with ups and downs, and Resilience is the key to navigating it successfully. I recall working with a young entrepreneur who faced a series of failures in his startup ventures. Each setback felt like a financial and emotional blow, and he began to doubt his abilities.

We worked on developing a resilient mindset, focusing on the lessons learned rather than the losses incurred. Over time, he started to see failures as stepping stones rather than roadblocks. He learned to bounce back more quickly and to view adversity as an opportunity for growth. Today, his business is thriving, and he credits much of his success to the Resilience he built during those tough times.

Resilience is like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. It helps you to stay focused on your goals, manage your time more effectively, and maintain happiness even in challenging times.

  1. Live Mindfully

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. It is easy to get lost in regrets about the past or worries about the future, but mindfulness brings us back to the here and now, where life truly happens. One of my clients was always anxious, constantly worrying about future financial uncertainties.

We incorporated simple mindfulness exercises like deep breathing, mindful eating, and daily gratitude reflections. These practices helped her shift her focus from anxiety about the future to appreciation of the present moment. As she became more mindful, she experienced less stress and found more joy in her everyday life.

Mindfulness teaches us that happiness is found in the moments we live in now, not in some distant future. By being fully present, we can make better decisions, feel more in control of our time, and ultimately lead richer, more balanced lives.

  1. Prioritise Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it is a necessity. I know this firsthand from a period in my life when I was burning the candle at both ends. I worked long hours, neglected exercise, and rarely took time to relax. It was not long before I felt the toll on my mental and physical health.

I learned that self-care is essential to maintaining happiness and productivity. I started making small changes—regular exercise, meditation, and even setting aside time for hobbies like reading and nature walks. The difference was profound; I felt more energetic, focused, and content.

Self-care is an investment in your most important asset: yourself. When you prioritize your well-being, you have more to give in all areas of your life, from work to relationships. Remember, you cannot create wealth—be it in money, time, or happiness—if you are constantly running on empty.


These ten lessons have taught me that true wealth is a balance of money, time, and happiness. They are deeply interconnected, each feeding into the others in a cycle that can either lift us up or drag us down. By focusing on the journey, cultivating Gratitude, simplifying our lives, investing in relationships, and living mindfully, we can create a life that feels rich and fulfilling every single day.

Remember, happiness is not something to be chased or achieved; it is something we cultivate through our daily choices and actions. When we align our time, money, and energy with what truly matters, we unlock the secret to living a wealthy and happy life.

Focusing on the journey rather than the destination requires a conscious effort to live in the present and enjoy every moment. By implementing these ten steps, you create a balanced approach to life that integrates happiness, financial freedom, and effective time management. Remember, wealth is not just about accumulating money but about creating a life filled with meaningful experiences, relationships, and a deep sense of fulfilment. Start today by making these small changes, and watch as your journey becomes richer, more balanced, and infinitely more rewarding.

Written by Taresh Bhatia

Taresh Bhatia is a Certified Financial Planner and Coach at the Richness Academy. With years of experience in guiding clients towards financial freedom and a rich, fulfilling life, Taresh specialises in helping diverse groups, including young married couples, senior executives, entrepreneurs, retirees, single mothers, and divorced women. He is also the author of the Amazon best-seller, "The Richness Principles." You may ask your questions or give feedback via his mail- taresh@tareshbhatia.com


The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, it may not apply to your individual circumstances. Always consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Taresh Bhatia and the Richness Academy are not responsible for any financial losses or damages incurred as a result of following the advice provided in this article.
